ガンダム00 Doujinshi by PayaPaya Mambo de Uh!

Jun 05, 2011 22:32

Looks like I'll be doing quite a bit of scanning now, so don't be surprised to see quite a number of these entries like so.

Title: 「銃と煙草と煙の果て0」
Rating: Not Work Safe +18
Language: Japanese
Series: Gundam 00
Pairing: Ali Al-Saarchez x Lockon (Lyle)
Circle: PayaPaya Mambo de Uh! / パヤパヤ・マンボでウッ!
Link(s): MediaFire

Still scanning 「銃と煙草と煙の果て」 aka book 1. Some issues with some pages. xD

If links are broken, state so so it could be fixed.

Also, if using these scans please give credit to Dark Kurayami (given Slytherin is officially copyrighted {JK Rowling}) and tell me if possible (just a comment here is enough)?
So far I have only given premission to silver-liningx to use these scans.

raw, gundam 00, doujinshi, パヤパヤ・マンボでウッ!, download, +18

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