Oct 12, 2005 18:26
And now for all the reasons the results below are correct. I'm not a happy person. I'm actually a bit of a closet Emo-kid. I'm a very anti-social person, shy, and quite depressed. I'm very ashamed of myself, mostly because of things I've done in the past. I'm a whore. I'm serious. All my life I've jumped from relationship to relationship, or just plain slept around with strange guys I'd met only hours earlier, looking for something to fill a void. I'm insecure, and I have no idea what I want to do with my life. I can't even take care of the life I've created, IE, my daughter Rachel. There are times I want to cry so bad because I feel like the worst parent ever, but I just can't. I can't cry, for some reason. I have to become extremely upset, and even then it only lasts a few minutes. Until recently, I considered my worth as a person to be only as good as the person I was with, something a few of you know all too well. That, fortunately, has changed recently. Been with Mike for almost 5 months, got a job, and saving my money. But that doesn't change everything, I'm still very unstable emotionally, another thing some of you know to be true. But whatever. I'm gonna stop whining now.