I was bored and found this interesting

Sep 06, 2006 19:00

US track record on nation building
Country/ Years/ Multilateral or Unilateral/ Democracy after 10 yrs.?

1. Afghanistan 2001-present Multilateral ?

2. Haiti 1994 Multilateral NO

3. Panama 1989 Unilateral YES

4. Grenada 1983 Multilateral YES

5. Cambodia 1970-73 Unilateral NO

6. South Vietnam 1965-73 Unilateral NO

7. Dominican Rep. 1965-66 Unilateral NO

8. Japan 1945-52 Multilateral YES

9. West Germany 1944-49 Multilateral YES

10. Italy 1944-47 Multilateral YES

11. Dominican Rep. 1916-24 Unilateral NO

12. Cuba 1917-22 Unilateral NO

13. Haiti 1915-1919 Unilateral NO

14. Honduras 1924-1925 Unilateral NO

15. Nicaragua 1909-27 Unilateral NO

16. Mexico 1914 Unilateral NO

17. Nicaragua 1909 Unilateral NO

18. Cuba 1906-1909 Unilateral NO

NOTE: Included are only the cases where American ground troops are committed; excluded are cases of humanitarian interventions, such as Somalia (1993) and Bosnia (1995) and cases where the US used proxies to overthrow hostile regimes.

Compiled by Minxin Pei and Sara Kasper

Thats a mighty 5 out of 18!....nice
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