To sex, or not to sex?

Oct 24, 2008 11:45

So, a focus on the less importanting things in life:

ya know... normally... i'm all for sex. usually i'm pretty fuckin' horny...

but, i dunno... after the fiasco w/Syrena... who had to bitch constantly about sex... or the lack thereof (given the enviroment, it just wasn't appropriate)... i just don't feel like having sex anymore. No one's DEMANDED sex from me since i was in High School... and sure, it was cool, though. Back then it was awesome that someone wanted me that much...

only now i realize that... it's not me they want. it's just the sex. and really... that's just not any fun... not on a regular basis from the same person... Shit... if i want sex-for-the-sake-of-sex... WELL BY GOD... I can get that. And I don't want it from just ONE source... Not unless that person is in it for more than just "sex".

the Tiger was in it for more than just sex... what? i dunno.
Syrena? No. just wanted a dick. so she acted like one (haha)

i think it's time for the appropriate response to such relationships: Slut-mode.
I just want some flings. hot chicks, hot sex, no relationships to mess up...
however... i need more clothes, and to shave if i want to get some chicks...
and a place of my own. . . that's important.
oh well, for right now, not much i can do about it.

the odd thing is, i'm not particularly worried or interested in -SEX-... Syrena really killed my desire for that. I mean, FUCK! Who bitches about needing sex, then bad-mouths their partner, and then demands it!? I can't believe she actually thought that would work. *shakes head*
That really just killed my interest in intercourse.
I just haven't had much interest the past month or so in getting my dick wet... *shrugs* and that's put a major cut in my in-bed performance... which sucks, 'cause i do think that i'm a gift to women from god... seems the only thing i've ever done right my whole life... other than play guitar... was fuck.

but lately?? man.. do you know how many naked women i've been around, and i didn't even care!?!!! a few. and that's not normal.
So either age is taking its toll on me early (personally i keep trying to tell myself that's not true)... or something has really damaged my self-image...

so... i guess what i need to do is just focus on getting my confidence back. And maybe take some time off from playing the field... and once i feel comfortable in bed again... start being a slut... *nods* that sounds good....

anyhows... dishes... then off to see the hippie...


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