(\ Friends Only /)

Apr 02, 2004 00:57

I am the light, hidden in the darkness.
I am the darkness, diguised as the light.

[[ Keeping it Dark : Version 6.0 ]]

© Chrysty L. Kitten 2002

Oh, Add me too?
You must halt there darling, there are a few rules to abide!

WARNING: I am one of those anime kids. Deal with it.

[ x ] You must comment here and let me know a couple things... [ x ]
-Who you are-
-How you found me-

[ x ] If you don't post I will delete you. [ x ]

[ x ] If your journal is a haven for only quiz results, [ x }
I will delete you.

[ x ] An occassional comment is good. [ x ]
If you comment to me, I'll comment to you.

[ x ] I am a rabid YAOI fangirl. [ x ]
If you don't know what yaoi is, then maybe it's for the best... It was just a prewarning. <<;;

[ x ] I am also a rabid Dark Mousy fangirl. [ x ]
My anime obsession tends to rule my life.
Dark Mousy is the owner of my heart and my sanity. Hehe. ::Coughs:: Yes... I know. I'm in deep.

[ x ] I am one of those role-playing kids. [ x ]
Deal with it.

[ x ] Do not bother adding me if [ x ]
you type lyke dis and speciallly dont feel the neeed
to fix typos and add in punctuations and constanty tYpE lYkE tHiS!

[ x ] There is some called an LJ-cut[ x ]
it's located here. Learn how to use it kiddies.

[ x ] It is not, under any circumstances, absolutely necissary [ x ]
to post how depressing your life is and how you just wanna kill yourself
cause your mommy and daddy cancelled your long-awaited Hot Topic venture!

[ x ] DO NOT add me to 'make your Friends list bigger,' [ x ]
or because you thought I was hot, or because I 'looked fun.'

[ x ] Leave the fairy comments alone. [ x ]
Really, you're just making yourself sound even more immature.

[ x ] If you add me [ x ]
I'd like a good reason on why you think I should let you read about my life
and everything I do!

After you've read the above cut, make sure that if you're still planning on adding me, that you COMMENT and let me know!
If you don't comment and still proceed to add me, then you're just wasting my life!

Thanks! ;D


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