Feb 09, 2007 16:25
Mister Uncool that I mentioned in my last entry, who is basically my - as sad as it is - the center of my world right now (and heck, I don't even get why), told me yetserday that he 'happened' to get into a realtionship with this girl who confessed to him. So yesterday we walked home together because she lives at the same building and he told me he was planning to get out of this 4 days-realtionship because she isn't his type and he doesn't have feelings for her.
I acted like a good friend and as if I am oh so happy he was confessed to despite the fact that he finds himself oh so disgusting, but believe me my heart was shattered.
Today I feel like shit, the weather sucks and there's this gloomy atmosphere. And there is this one thought that stays in my mind all this fucking time: If hes dating a random girl he doesn't really have feelings for, why isn't he just dating me?
Not that he knows, but yeah....
I'm soooo pathetic.