Jul 15, 2006 22:22
Official Launch Date = August 20th
Time remaining till departure: 36 days.
Have to decide which books to take and which to leave behind. How do you choose between Tamora Pierce and David Lee Eddings? Madeleine L'Engle and Roald Dahl? Salvatore or Gail Carson? Its like choosing between children.
So far on my TO BRING list is:
The Hobbit
LotR trilogy
The Silmarillion
Lost Tales 1 & 2
All the Harry Potter Books
The Alchemist
Daughter of the Forest
Son of Shadows
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series
My Charlie Brown Pop-Up Book
The Worst Band in the Universe
Everything ever written by Diana Wynne Jones
anything to add?
also, I learned that they're making a movie out of the book Walk Two Moons. Does anyone else remember that book? I LOVED that book when I was a girl. I was constantly checking it out of the library.