Welcome to the
dark_flowers Fall Mini Exchange.
Fall Mini Exchange
This is the Sign Up Post on LJ, please read
The Rules and Regulation Post before signing up.
Do not sign up in both places.
Sign ups from August 8th - August 14th.
Sign up Guidelines:
Please post complete sign up requests
Please put in three short art prompts and three short fic prompts.
Short Art Prompt Ex: Remus/Severus/Lily, Hogsmeade outing, park, chatting.
Short Fic Prompt Ex: Remus/Severus. Lily plays matchmaker. Autumn Trees.
When filling out your requests, please try to fill out enough to give your gifter plenty to work with while also trying to remain flexible. This exchange is small, so flexibility is key, but it's also more fun if you don't have to work hard to get a feel for your giftee. With that in mind, don't be afraid to list your kinks, likes and dislikes in as much detail as you possibly can.
Sign Up Form:
LJ/IJ name:Email address:Age statementWriter or Artist:What do you prefer?Fic, Art or Either
What are you willing to create as a giftFic or Art
3 short fic prompts in order of priority:3 short art prompts in order of priority: Kinks I'd like to receive:Squicks I don't want to receive: Kinks I'm willing to draw/write:Squicks I refuse to draw/write: Important Dates:
August 8: Sign Ups
August 14th: Sign Ups closed out
August 15th: Assignments Emailed
September 13th : All Assignments Due
Posting Date: Sept 22nd, first day of Fall