Jun 29, 2010 22:02
I am legend of sorts
- 21:49 @ GreggyBennett At least you are not coming off like a rude twat like Danielle #
- 07:36 Maybe today #
- 12:20 Real awkward when you text someone whats up and they say Jerkin lol....not so funny, #
- 13:44 @ Siraris I said lol cute and went to the gym #
- 14:23 Forca Portugal, Forca Rolando #
- 15:46 Well Damn it, I am out of countries to root for #
- 19:32 and now I want to go see Eclipse tonight...damn it... I should have been irresponsible. #
- 19:47 @ ashirichan I am not sure when I will get to it honestly #
- 20:44 @ jasu78 Especially out of the freezer #
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