Jan 10, 2008 23:12
- If you could say anything to the person who has hurt you most in life what would you say? Hmmm…. I don’t really know, I always believe actions speak louder than words so: *stab stab stab*
- When will your next kiss be? When I get round to getting a boyfriend.
- What song are you listening to? ‘When You Believe’ Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston
- Who does it remind you of? My Aunt and Uncle (They’re super Christian!)
- Last film you watched?
- Which of your friends lives closest to you? Toyah technically, but out of my close friends it’s Ashley.
- What CD is in your stereo? 101 80’s hits.
- Has a friendship ended recently that you wish hadn’t? No, in fact a few more could end and I’d just be like: Meh.
- - What did you do last night? The same thing I do every night: try to take over the world *evil laugh* No, I was on LJ, DA and Facebook.
- Last person you ditched class with? Yasmin
- Are you a beach person or a snowy mountain person? Both, depends on my mood.
- What are you most looking forward to? HEROES VOLUME 3!!!!!!!!!
- What are your nicknames? It used to be ‘flip-up’ because my nose sticks up slightly, now it tends to be any derogative name for homosexuality.
- Describe your ideal significant other? I really, really, really am not gonna get into this.
- Where would you like to live? China, Some place in the English countryside, or maybe Ireland.
- Last time you spent the night at someones house? Round Ashley’s house a few months back.
- When was the last time you were extremely disappointed? I tend to be too hyper to get disappointed.
1. Are you single?: Yes
2. Are you happy about that?: Meh, not too fussed to be honest.
3. Are you bored?: Always.
4. Are you sad?: I guess sometimes, I’m only human.
5. Are you Italian?: No, but I want to be *tremble lip*
6. Are you pregnant?: I’m a dude!
8. Are you cool?: Heck no, I’m the polar opposite of cool, I’m warm.
9. Are you Irish?: I think I’m about 1/32 Irish, so sort of.
10.Are your parents still married?: Yes, happily.
1. Last phone call you made: I don’t use the phone, like ever.
2. Last phone call you received: Yasmin phoned me to invite me to a New Year’s party.
3. Last person/people you hung out with?: Ashley Jones, Yasmin, Jodie, Will, at lunch time today. (Hanna and Ash Burden were both off school today.)
5. Last person you tackled?: Do I look like a rugby player!?
6. Last person you imed: I think… Ashley.
7. Last text message you received: Virgin Mobile would like to offer you *blah blah blah*
8. Last person you hugged?: Yasmin.
9. Last person you laughed with?: Yasmin, Ashley, Will and Jodie.
10. There is no ten!
- Do you believe that theres always room in your heart for your first love? My first love, I don’t even remember who that was!
- Why can a guy sleep with a lot of people and it be okay, but if a girl does the same shes a slut?
Because men are bastards.
- Do you say sexy a lot? Not really.
- When was that last time you had a sleep over? Yasmin’s party doesn’t count because we stayed up the whole night, so it has to be Ash’s a few months back, we played RLH for three hours, then FF5, Eye-Toy and SSX until we fell asleep.
- Do you know anyone that lives in Nevada? Do fictional characters count? Because then I know five, but I guess technically one is dead.
- How about New Jersey? Once again, I know several fictional characters.
- Do you like ice-cream? Ben and Jerry’s *grin*
- When's your birthday? Sep 27
- Do you like to eat ice? Ice-Pops, do they count?
- Do you like candy? Who doesn’t?
- When do you go to sleep? When I’m tired, or when the voices in my head get too annoying :D
- Would you ever consider moving to another state to be with the one you love? Sure, but only if it was serious.
- Do you talk to your parents about your boyfriend/girlfriend? I avoid any discussion of my sexuality with my parents, my dad still thinks I might be straight and just not know it and my Mum, well, that’s creepy.
- Do you have any community service hours? No, I’m a good boy : )
- Are you going to have a good night? It’s 11.15 and I’m yping this, I’m having the time of my life *heavy, heavy sarcasm*
- Do you have strange dreams? Yep, and sometimes they’re slightly precognitive *woo*
friend: ashley b,
game: final fantasy,
friend: jodie,
friend: ashley,
friend: hanna,
friend: yasmin