Dec 19, 2007 19:46
Sorry for my vulgarness but I'm a little PO'd at my English teacher right now. For starters I never asked to take Media Studies, I have to take it, as well as English Language and English Literature, because I'm 'Smart' and in the top-set. ARGH!! SO annoying.
Basically we have a media project due in tomorrow, but I also have to redraft a History essay, and I care more about History since I'm planning to take it at A-level. Anyway, we've only had about six lessons in class on this project and that was way back at the start of term (In effing September) and it's really annoying: All I've been told is: Make an advertising campaign to raise awareness for something, and then been given a list of things I must include with little to no help on how to set out the bloody thing. So basically I'm not doing it, if I get time I'll do it along with my other coursework for the Christmas holidays, if not, I never really cared about Media Studies all that much anyway.
And now back to our regularly scheduled programme: Random thoughts of the week.
Haven't done one of these in ages, so it's a little overdue :)
1) Watched whole of season 2 of Heroes on the Internet.
2) Ate a lot of chocolate.
3) Stayed round Ash's house
4) Played with blu-tac
5) Completed my math coursework
6) Got a B on my math mock exam (2 points of an A)
7) Watched 'Best of Clone High' episodes 1-13 on Youtube. Clone High is a hillarious cartoon, you are now morally obligated to search for it and watch it, trust me you'll laugh
8) Got the Clone High theme song stuck in my head: "Way, way back in the 1980's, secret government employees, dug up famous guys and ladies, and made amusing genetic copies, the clones are sexy teens now, they're gonna make it if they try, laughing, caring, sharing, crying, clone high, clone hiiiiiiiiiiigh.
9) Drew a Petrellicest picture of Peter and Nathan making out in the middle of the air.
10) Scraped petrellicest picture because it was awful
11) Practiced some manequin drawing
12) Drew a better petrellicest picture
13) Inked the Petrellicest picture, ruining it in the process
14) Asked Ash, Ash and Jo for some inspiration for a slash pic from Heroes, they came up with: Sylar, Peter, Kid's Playground.
15) Drew picture of Peter laughing happily on a swing, with Sylar grumbling and hunched over on the one next to it.
16) Inked the picture and ruined it
17) Decided to stop inking my pictures
18) Asked for a new idea: Peter, Sylar, Bush, Sex was the result
19) Ran out of time to draw the picture
20) Talked to Beth and Luke during Graphics
21) Sang the 'Like totally' song (Which Ash and I made up in year 9) during Graphics with Beth and Luke
22) Ate Terry's chocolate orange, that Miss James brought in because it was our last Graphics lesson before the end of term
23) Performed our 'Act 3 Scene 1' interpretation from Blood Wedding, I got to be Leonardo and I had to 'embrace' Olivia (Not fun)
24) Spent an entire lesson of drama talking to Miss Tyrell because Miss Gater wasn't there
25) Wrote Christmas cards for everyone
26) Spent a lunch break drawing with Hanna and Yasmin in the Art room
27) Considered lighting a fire on the playground because it's so damn cold
28) Noticed lack of flammable (Or inflammable, they mean the same bloody thing) material to start fire with
29) Filled up about 1/3 of my notebook with random doodles
30) Spent 5 minutes laughing with Beth and Luke because we were sat there going: "Rika-Chan"
31) Scared Miss Ingle, she now thinks I'm insane (Took her bleeding long enough)
32) Spent an entire lesson wearing a paper hat with YAOI written on it, we called it the 'Yaoi Crown'
33) Told Miss Ingle she really didn't want to know what yaoi meant
34) Made my brother think I'm Micah because I hit the computer when the music I was playing wouldn't load and told it to "Load already damnit" and it worked
35) Made Ash and Jo think I was Claude because I was talking to them in English when I shouldn't have been and Miss Ingle appeared so I said "Pretend I'm not here" and flicked my fingers in a dramatic way and Miss walked right past without seeing me
36) Made some progress on getting S&S finished
37) Still didn't come up with a title for the sequel to S&S
38) Brought my family Christmas presents
39) Cut my finger on a pair of scissors during a science lesson
40) Spent 5 minutes of a science lesson singing: "And I keep bleeding, keep, keep bleeding blood. You cut me open."
41) Caught a cold
42) Spent a science lesson sniffling
43) Annoyed Hanna due to amount of sniffling
44) Spent my last ICT lesson before christmas reading House MD Yaoi
45) Watched Ashley snort paracetamol to see what it'd do
46) Watched a really old (1930's) movie version of Journey's End (The yaoi subtext was still thick)
47) Tried to think of more things in order to reach number 50
49) Decided to leave 48 blank
50) Posted this
So that's my random thoughts of the... as far back as I can remember.
See ya ^^
friend: luke,
friend: ashley b,
friend: beth,
friend: yasmin,
school: ict,
school: graphics,
school: drama,
school: english,
friend: jodie,
school: math,
tv: heroes,
friend: hanna,
friend: ashley