Got around to reading Mockingjay. It's certainly structured differently than the first two books in the series but I enjoyed it, a bit more than Catching Fire but I have to agree with the general consensus that Hunger Games is the superior book of the trilogy.
There's a lot of hullabaloo over the ending but I think anyone complaining has kind of missed the point of the series, it's a very fantastical depiction of how much war fucks people up and Mockingjay doesn't skimp on the horrors that can come from conflict. If anything, I think the tacked on epilogue is the weak point, though at least Suzanne Collins didn't go the JKR route and name Katniss and Peeta's sproglets after their dead friends, since that's one long ass list of names.
Went in search of HG fanfic and sort of wish I hadn't. I guess I've been spoiled in recent years since I've been in fandoms (or corners of fandoms) made up of mostly adult-like fan people. It's been a while since I've read so much fic written by young teenagers and I'm sort of caught between horror and amusement. Also, the Peeta/Gale pairing has made me reassess some of the nasty comments I've made about Klaine fangirls, I still hate the way they fetishize my sexuality and largely ignore the real life difficulties faced by people of 'othered' sex and gender identities... but at least most of them can fucking write! I have to give credit to the person responsible for a Peeta/Gale rewrite of the series named The Hunger Gays though, I laughed pretty hard at that one.
Parents and Sam are currently caught up in watching snooker. Snooker is a sport I casually approve of since it mostly involves men bending over tables in tight trousers. I don't know why they don't play that up more in the marketing.
Got into an argument with Mark over politics the other day, sort of dispelling Dad's hope that giving us separate bedrooms would eradicate all fighting between us. We'd need separate universes for that to happen.
I hate fighting with Mark since he doesn't understand the purpose of a debate is to listen to the other person's opinion, consider it, then provide a counterpoint from your own perspective and opinion. Mark skips steps 1 and 2, getting right to ramming his opinion down my throat. He'll occasionally pay enough attention to what I'm saying to adjust and rephrase accordingly, but you could strip all the words out of our debates and replace it with loud, angry grunting and it wouldn't make a difference to the overall result.
The problem is, he's an aggravating tosspot with a host of wildly offensive opinions (Which he insists are Fact, not understanding the difference between fact and opinion. Or, more likely, understanding perfectly well but refusing to acknowledge it) that it's incredibly difficult to not get sucked into an ultimately pointless debate when he starts ranting.
Still haven't gotten round to watching Glee since it came back from hiatus and the few tidbits I've stumbled across online concerning the new episodes have strongly reinforced that behavior. With all my other fandom stuff going on right now, I think I've successfully clawed my way out of Glee and won't be heading back.