Started listening to a Sherlock Holmes podfic last night, got in two hours of it before going to sleep, but it's like four an a half hours total. Listened to more this morning, but I still have an hour and a half left to get through. I'm totally loving it though.
So that was one thing I did with my morning, the other stuff was go to Tesco for copious amounts of snacks and make my usual online circulations checking for updates. Then I settled in to write, got a decent amount written and I have the document still open as I'm intending to write until the wee hours tonight then crash out and start again when I wake up; rinse and repeat until the fic is finished or Tuesday rolls round and I have to go back to work. I'm hoping for the former.
Thirty-day Meme, Day 15: Tell us your favourite junk food.
I don't think I have a favourite junk food. If this were junk beverage I'd pick Pepsi Max in a heartbeat, but I'm fickle about snacks and tend to pick different items to suit my mood/budget. I guess I'll say midget gems as my most consistent purchase and because I tend to buy three bags at a time, minimum.