Nov 23, 2009 16:05
Back to the good old fashioned waking up totally knackered. Ugh :(
Had a free first so I went to see Hanna, Ash showed up a moment later because it turned out he didn't have Psychology like he thought. We went to the garage but I got the feeling Hanna was annoyed with me, after I'd bought two bottles of Irn Bru I asked her and she said she was annoyed that I'd thought Matt was her. I apologized as best I could.
Had Psych next. I haven't been to a lesson with Mr. Murray in a while so I was a tad behind; we were just taking notes from the textbook to prepare an essay so I spent the lesson catching up. Psych seems to be in a bad place right now, Privation in Ms. Cantrill's lessons and False Memory Syndrome in Mr. Murray's so I kinda withdrew sharply.
Went to see Hanna again at break but I was in a bad place from having read all the 'false memories of childhood abuse' stuff in Psychology and Hanna was kinda preoccupied so I spent most of the time talking to Ashley.
Had Biology next but I didn't want to go so I went to the library with Ashley. Went to the comic section; they've got the crappy Buffy comic 'Ring of Fire' in again so I flicked through that before reading a crappy Angel comic instead. It was ish, but a lot of things about it I didn't like. Read a Teen Titans comic with a whole heap of 'teen' versions of famous heroes, like 'teen superman', 'teen flash' and 'teen wonder woman'. Since when has Wonder Woman been able to fly? She can't! That's why she has the invisible jet! I'm not even that much of a comic geek and I know that, stupid comic!
Had English next. We started reading The Importance of Being Earnest. I had to read the part of Jack which I was reluctant to do but actually had fun with. Read about half the first act. It's funny, a lot of absurdity but it's gonna be fun to study. Put an upper class British accent on kinda instinctively while reading which was quite funny.
Went to see Hanna again at lunch. She was busy painting and kinda ignored me and Ashley again. I'm not sure if she's annoyed with me or just because Ashley was there. He's trying to organise a party at his this weekend, it's starting to look like it'll be just me and him again which is.... kinda annoying. He tends to get hooked into playing the 360 and I can be sat bored being ignored, but if I'm playing too it's fine. Also, the parties always tend to drag over to the entire weekend and there are things I'd rather do.
Went to form but I was running late, just outside form bumped into Danny - he's still being confusing. He told me I was running late, so he might have been teasing me, or kinda trying to pull me down, but he then told me that Ms Terry hadn't finished the register yet and if I hurried I'd make it. I said thanks since I'm trying to at least be civil, but I'm so perplexed. Does he like me? Do I want him to? If he does and if I did go out with him would it be massively disastrous? Oh, help!
Yasmin added her cat to Facebook. Sent me a friend request. I rejected, I'm just not in the mood for Yasmin's eccentricities today.
Want to write but Sam's playing music. I can't focus with music blaring a foot away. *sigh*
Flash Forward tonight. At least there's that!
sixth form: psychology,
sixth form: english literature,
tv: angel,
friend: yasmin,
tv: flash forward,
tv: buffy the vampire slayer,
sixth form: biology,
friend: hanna,
friend: ashley,
family: samuel