I probably should have made this post a while ago, but I'm a procrastinator and a damn good one.
Anyway; I've been nominated at two fic award comms.
My fic 'Naughty Dreams' is up for 'Best Non-Vampire pairing' at
fangfetish and also for: 'Best Slash', 'Best NC-17' and 'Reader's Choice' at
rwsawards This makes 6 unique nominations at 3 unique award communities for one fic. I am absolutely amazed and so happy to have my efforts appreciated. I now officially love Buffy Fandom long time! XD
I seriously recommend any Buffy fans go take a look as there are some seriously awesome fics up in the many categories (And most of it by authors way better than myself). And if any of you would care to throw a vote my way for the Reader's Choice award, I'd be very grateful.
Peace Amigos :)