So I noticed today I haven't posted in a month and I was like O_O How did that happen? So I'm gonna try and summarize everything as best I can:
Sports Day: was as I predicted not fun at all. Woke up grumpy and rushed trying to locate hat, food, sun tan lotion etc. Then I got a text from Ashley asking if I wanted to spend the weekend round his. I text back that I was heading to Sports Day and asked if he was too, also that my phone was almost dead. It died, I stuck it on charge and set off for the Guttman Centre. Got kinda lost on the way as my memory of going from year 7 was a little hazy, I kinda just set out for Nan's house because I know she lives near the centre and I eventually stumbled across some other kids I could follow. Got there to find things already under way but I wasn't the only person arriving late so it wasn't too bad really. Went to see Ms. Wilson and she directed me to Mr. Bowles who was in charge of the photography, he asked if I'd bought my own camera with me and I remarked I hadn't been informed I was supposed to and had been under the impression a school one would be provided. Ended up with Tom and I sharing Mark's camera while he took over helping out the girls discus because Naomi didn't show up. Spent a good hour and a half getting photos before Tom and I settled down to eat, after that I headed over to talk to Matt who was supposed to be writing for the Pupil Press and was about as motivated as anyone else - ie. not a whole lot. The camera died a few moments later freeing up my time. Spent the rest of the day talking to Matt, before we were forced to help out with the Fun Run - which wasn't so bad as Cheryl's shouts of encouragement to the runners were quite funny, for example to Sara she shouted: 'Come on Titzalina!' Also got dragged into helping with the relays and clearing up litter, not fun at all! Went home completely knacked and used my recharged phone to text Ashley and say I was back. A moment later he phoned and we arranged to meet in town.
Ashley's: Firstly we went to The Final Level - our local video game shop, other than GAME which Ashley and I both prefer over GAME because the two guys who work there are avid gamers themselves and give an honest and objective opinion about the games you inquire about, where as in game the teenagers working there simply because it'll get them money will when asked either shrug or tell you to buy the more expensive one to earn the shop more money. Anyway, we went there and had a look round for a few moments before I settled on buying Ninety Nine Nights - a game a lot like Dynasty Warriors which I really like too. Went to LIDL for food and drink before taking the bus to Holton where Ashley lives now. First time I went so I wasn't anticipating the quarter mile road we'd have to walk from the bus station, I whined quite a bit but mostly in jest. Ashley's mum was there when we got in so we walked Tara and Sparky with her for about twenty minutes before heading upstairs to play the X Box 360. Ashley showed me he had a copy of the Orange Box so I rapidly set it up to play Portal - spent about 2-3 hours completing it, which would likely have been longer if Ashley has left me to work out the puzzles myself instead of giving me the solution the second I walked into each testing chamber. After Portal we put Ninety Nine Nights in and I played the first two levels, then I was sleepy so Ashley continued while I went to sleep. The next morning his mum woke us both up to get us ready for the RAF day trip thingy we were going on. We got lost on the way to the coach park and had to ask directions twice - as Ashley and his parents haven't been living on the camp for very long. Finally made our way down to the coaches and set off for an hour and a half journey. I'm not good on coaches: buses, trains, cars all fine with me but something about being in a coach makes me want to vomit; I think it's the fumes that do it. Got there and was very relieved to get some fresh air. Before we did anything we had to find the entrance on the opposite side of the place to where we came in, when we did we got given special red bands that let us have free food and drink so we charged off back to the end of the field near the coaches to get pizza. After that we drifted in a circle and I have to agree with Ashley that his mum is just like us because she drifted along beside going 'What d'you wanna do?' but not actually wanting to do anything just like we do when we walk round town. Had a look at some fancy cars, I'm no expert - in fact I know the bare minimum about cars - but I could tell they were very posh and expensive. Some were from the early 20th century and there were models right through to modern times. I joked with Ashley it was a pity Yasmin wasn't there as she loves cars - on the Germany trip she actually broke down crying when she saw a Mercedes, some really specific model but again I say, I'm no expert and can't remember exactly what model it was. Went on the dodgems which increased my hatred of little kids as some of the buggers were hitting us really hard, also my leg cramped up from pressing down the pedal. Headed over to the mini railway and spent a while looking round the museum, then I went on the Victorian style carousel before Ashley and I got in line. Queued for about half an hour to get on the train and the ride was so not worth the wait: the only wildlife we saw was one deer which was taking a piss, startled by the train it took off and put the steam engine to shame by being a lot faster than it, I was whacked in the head by a passing branch and on the way back to the station we passed under a bride that sent all the soot right down onto us poor schmucks in the open topped truck, sticky from sweat and sun tan lotion my face and hair ended up black and gritty. Kinda pissed off by this point we went to watch the air show with Ashley's mum, setting up the fold-out chairs we'd dragged with us we settled in the middle of the field in front of the stage where the music acts were playing their hearts out and ultimately being ignored. Ashley buggered off to waste money at the coconut shy and I went off in search of free chocolate cake. Watched some old bi-planes perform some actually quite entertaining loops and rolls and things. Then it was four o clock and time for the first bus home which we got on readily. Got to see an army helicopter fly off just before we went and I have to say those things are a helluva lot bigger in real life than they seem in the movies. Didn't feel so sick on the way back because I spent the time talking with Ashley and his very drunk mum, which was actually quite funny. Ashley kept apologizing for her behaviour and I had to reassure him I'd seen my parents drunk plenty of times before and it's not a big deal; 'sides she was probably as bored and irritable as me at the event I didn't rue her drinking some wine. Also, it was hot and the soda ran out ridiculously quickly, all good reasons. Got back to Ashley's and had to pack up and leave almost immediately to catch the last bus home.
School: Ashley wasn't in for about a week due to being in quarantine for suspected swine flu, there were a few other cases about the school including Sara Ladyman. Hanna was in school on and off because she was moving from her flat in Hilda Wharf to a flat share in Southcourt; I remember the day after she moved I went to tesco to get lunch and was about to head over to Hilda Wharf to see her and then remembered. Spent a bit more time with some of the people I'm friendly with but wouldn't call friends persay, wasn't so bad. I beat Ryan at Mario Kart on the DS the first time I ever played it, he remarked I must have been lying and I responded that I used to play Crash Team Racing which is very similar.
Science Trip: The ecology trip was a mixture of fun and boredom. The trip there with Mr. Bowles driving the PE department's minivan was funny and we all joked around. Then when we got there we caught butterflies and damselflies for 45 minutes which everyone found a real laugh. Then we had to use quadrats in a field, not a whole lot of fun. Trying to recognize and count the amount of trefoil, ribwert plantain, greater knapweed or hawthorne and other such vegetation in a metre square area of land at every two metre interval along a 60 foot line is not fun and soon Matt and I had settled into rough estimates - I later learned everyone else had done the same very quickly too. After that we got to go to a pond and net out some newts, insect larvae, waterboatmen and the occasional leech; or rather everyone else got to while I quietly had an OCD freak-out at the very thought of putting my hands in mud and weeds from a pond without the oppurtunity to immediately wash my hands. After everyone was finished and went to wash their hands I has to wash my hands three times with soap and water just to alleviate my anxiety at being near that much filth. Then we had lunch and after that we got the quadrats out again to use on a cliffside, a path disecting the cliffside and more cliffside on the other side of the path. I worked with Matt again and we were estimating amounts from the very start that time. Then we had to go catch butterflies and damselflies again looking for any we had marked with pen that morning; I didn't find any and my mood was very low so I wasn't trying very hard. Tom caught two I think and Adam K about eight, though I think he may have been lying to try and look good. Not that it matters to me, I'm dropping science so the accuracy of the data gathered is of no interest to me because I'm not using it for the coursework. It kinda annoyed me that Ashley ignored me almost the entire day, I understand we got put in different groups for the quadratting but he could have spent at least a little time between asking how I was.
Last Day: Last assembly was a nightmare, they were handing out awards here there and everywhere, I'm surprised they didn't give one for the person with the loudest sneeze, it was ridiculous. Afterwards I headed up to the library to return the last book I'd taken out that year (Graphic novel of Coraline, it was really good btw) and was surprised to see a yearly Geek list had been printed. I came fourth (Which I am rather proud of) and Ashley came second (He'd have been first if not for a kid in 8O who got five more than him.)
Ashley's Again: Ashley invited me to his again. We both got six two litre bottles of coke from LIDL and then regretted it when we had to drag them to the bus station and then down the quarter mile road. We watched the first half of Ouran High School Host Club on DVD, Tropic Thunder on DVD, played Tomb Raider Underworld, Mass Effect from beginning to end and also went to a fair. I guess I had fun some of the time, but a lot of the time I felt ignored, with Ashley playing the X Box while I sat there not really doing anything. It was a little like 'Why invite me round then do what you'd do if I weren't here anyway'. While at LIDL I had also bought cheap brand shortbread and pringles, I ate both while remarking how bad they tasted, Ashley kept asking why I was eating them if they tasted bad and I was like 'I paid for them, I'm going to finish them'. Is that odd? On the third day got a text from Hanna asking if I wanted to meet her in town so I packed my things up and Ashley and I went to town to meet her. Her brother was there too and he kinda annoyed us, tagging along behind. Ashley kept talking to him and Hanna shared her worries that Ashley is distancing himself from us and recently she has begun to feel the group has become just me and her; I share these worries on some level but due to my complicated involvement with Ashley on some level it would relieve me if he were gone. McDonald's are selling Cadbury Caramel milkshakes at the moment so Hanna and I both got one, they're thick and difficult to drink but actually quite nice. At least until Ashley decided to keep remarking on the 12% animal fat content, gagging at the thought Ashley kept repeating this to invoke the same reaction and struggled against Jamie's suggestion of dumping the remaining contents all over his head. We effectively drifted doing absolutely nothing until Hanna suggested she show us her new place. We headed there and watched an episode and a half of Buffy before Ashley needed to make his way back to the bus station, on the way we bumped into Alex and Hanna managed to convince him to give Ashley and I a lift home; he agreed but pointed out it was rush hour so later would be better. We headed back and watched some of the featurettes on the Buffy DVD while Ashley tried to get in contact with his mum to explain what was happening - he doesn't know his own phone number so he had to resort to Facebook. I sat talking with Hanna while we both browsed DeviantArt and Alex and Ashley played Farcry 2. Once the traffic had died down Alex dropped me off at home, then set off to take Ashley home. I headed inside just as Mark was leaving - so very good timing there - took my remaining two bottles of coke upstairs with me and settled down to read a fanfic.
Yasmin: Yasmin text and asked if I wanted to meet her and Hanna in town. I agreed and met them outside the library at 12. First things first we headed to Dorothy Perkins to get Hanna some jeans because she thought the skirt she'd chosen was too short. Afterwards we headed to McDonalds and Yasmin bought the three of us lunch (thanks Yas *hugs* :D) We persuaded Yasmin to get Cadbury Caramel milkshake too and Hanna shared the joke about the animal fat, Yasmin teased exactly once and then let it drop. We decided to head round to the wall by the cinema as we hadn't been there in almost a year, we got there and had enough time to discus Yasmin's new yellow iPod before it started raining and we took shelter in the car park. From the car park we could see posters of upcoming movies; we discussed New Moon and I pointed out Yasmin only wants to see it because it has werewolves in it, she claimed to be Team Jacob and I explained to Hanna what Team Edward and Team Jacob are while firmly placing myself in Team Alice. Hanna contemplated this for a moment before joining Team No-One. I agreed with Yasmin that the werewolves looked good and between the Meyerpires and Werewolves I'd pick the wolves, but between wolves and regular vamps it's no competition. Yasmin asked out of all the vamps who I would pick (as if this was a difficult question) and without blinking I replied 'Spike'. Trying to make things harder Yasmin ruled him out and I chose Angelus. Hanna looked ready to argue but I quickly insisted Angel-US as he's funny and psychotic. The conversation turned back to movies and we decided to go see Bruno, however trying to buy the tickets we were asked for ID which none of us had on us so we were left with a choice between Harry Potter or The Proposal. We chose to go get Yasmin's ear pierced. After the piercing was done we met up with Alex on his lunch break before indulging in some light shopping. Afterwards we decided to go bowling, something none of us have done together before. Going with a joke from the Russel Howard Stand-Up DVD we named Yasmin 'I Touch Kids' while I claimed the title 'Pistachio Nuts' and Hanna adopted the name 'Hitler', simply for the joke that whenever she did well Yasmin and I would start singing 'Go Hitler, it's yer birthday!' When we went to get out score we learned if you beat your best score twice you get a free game so we decided to play again. I changed my name to 'Slash Fiend' which was funny as I managed to score three spares with my Boogie Bowling and the symbol for a Spare is / we found this so funny Yasmin got a photo of it on her phone. On our third game we added a new rule, inspired by my Boogie Bowling we had to bowl in creative ways: blind bowling got me a strike, Hanna's blind bowling (done by taking off her glasses and then putting on Yasmin's sunglasses) scored her a spare. Yasmin's spasticated dinosaur bowl and trying to bowl with her backside were less effective but hysterical nonetheless. In the Epic Fail Gallery Yasmin and I both managed to bowl backwards, while I managed to bowl along the safety rail and still knock down some pins and Hanna bowled before the barrier was up; getting her ball stuck in the gutter. After all was finished I had won a free game which I decided to save for now as we have all agreed bowling is a lot of fun, way cheaper than the cinema and so now has become our new pastime.
Yasmin's birthday is on Monday and the party should be pretty cool. Ashley Burden is also planning a party on Friday that I may or may not go to, probably not as my only motivation for going was a chance to see Yasmin but with her birthday only a few days before they'll be no need; furthermore my family are going on holiday on Saturday so, yeah, I'm probably gonna give it a miss.
Still writing notes for my fic, am now about a quarter of the way through, but I'm writing sporadically so there's no telling when I'll have finished.
Okay folks, I think that's about it. Hopefully I won't fall this far behind in updating ever again. Then again, knowing me .......
See ya :D