Hanna wasn't in today because she was ill, but now Yasmin has me paranoid (Not difficult to accomplish) that she's just avoiding us to spend time with Alex, which I wouldn't have a problem with if she'd just tell us. But I know Yasmin's fears may be unfounded and so I don't want to choose a side in what could turn into another friendship ending war like last year with Ash B and Jo. I REALLY hope that don't happen coz I'd have to take Hanna's side. For one I go to school with her still where as Yas is at college and for two Ash would take her side and if I took Yas's then it'd put pressure on our relationship and I don't wanna lose this relationship because it's the first time I've really genuinely liked a guy this badly!
Okay, Ash also wasn't in during the morning so I spent my free period this morning wandering aimlessly and landing in the common room to chat with Matt and Tom for what felt like an eternity.
Then: Math. Still strongly considering dropping the subject since I'm finding it so hard and stressful, but I want to get the result of my Core 1 exam first. Today's lesson introduced us to the Core 2 curiculum: IS PSYCHOTIC!!! There's more to work through, it's harder and we're studying Stats with Mr. Hurst so we get half as much time to learn it all. No way I could possibly pass Core 2 short of a miracle, so I really, really, shouldn't even wait for my Core 1 results and just drop it now. But I don't wanna upset Ms. Bennet who I really get on well with and I might surprise myself and pick up Core 2 real quick.
Had a free third so I decided to go to Tesco instead of the Garage for my lunch coz it's WAY cheaper. Got two liters of Pepsi Max and six Viennese Whirls for two quid. Not the healthiest of lunches but meh.
With the remainder of third period I went to the library to return Necropolis (AWESOME BOOK BTW) and check if there's a copy of Staying Fat (Nope :-() and found Ash had finally arrived and was starting the V for Vendetta graphic novel. I read it a few weeks back and recommended it.
Helped check a few books in and out (Side note: There's a year 7 who uses the library loads and I think I freak him slightly because I have to ask people's names to check the books out for them and he's called Ben Riley. I kid you not, there's a kid at my school with the name of my National Treasure OTP, so I kinda grin madly when he appears and he looks a little weirded out by it :D) picked up a copy of Blood and Chocolate which I was looking for for about five minutes yesterday without success and found lying on one of the spinny racks while walking past the fiction section today. Also a big encylopedia of European Mythology (Greek/Roman, Celtic and Norse) because I adore mythology and ancient civilisations.
Had a quick convo. with Romana who was trying to revise Science for our Wednesday exam and she seems to be at as much of a blank as everyone else. (Romana: How's your revision. Me: Great!... I haven't started yet. Romana: Oh thank God I'm not the only one.)
Then we had Science with Mr. Bowles and we're supposed to hand in our coursework about Science in Industry but I haven't even started as I can't find a scientific industry willing to let me write about them. Had to compose an E-Mail to Roger Churchill (Aka. Jolly Roger the Glue Guy) from Lohmann Adhesive Industries which Ash, Mark, Matt and I will all be writing about since we can find no-one else. *sigh*
Got bored after Science so Ash and I went back to mine for lunch. Spent the walk talking about Farenheit 451 (Which Ash just finished reading), Brave New World (Which inspired Farenheit 451 and Ash also just finished reading) and 1984 (Which also inspired Farenheit 451 and Ash has just started reading). Spent lunch drinking Dandelion and Burdock and talking to Mum, then we had to go back to school for Pyschology with Mr. Murray.
Lesson was on remembering and forgetting (Our focus at the moment) and we had to try and remember as much as we could about a short story called The Wars of Ghosts and recall it after 30 minutes. I got my alters helping so we remembered basically the whole thing ^___^
Kim got back to me in regards to Chapter 4 of Always and Forever, she's still beta'ing it but I asked for her to give me her first opinion. Apparently like a lot of BBM fics written by European authors it has a dreamlike/hazy quality since I lack understanding of America and most of what I know is based on TV and film representation which can't compare to the gritty real life USA.
Annoyingly I wanna rewrite parts of the chapter anyway. Happened with Chapter 2, I wrote the wedding scene, sent it to Kim and then rewrote the whole scene in my second draft because I didn't like it. With this it seems to be the whole second 2/3's of the chapter, but I'll wait for Kim's comments before making any drastic alterations.
Wish I could sleep but I have Math and Psych homework *sigh*
See ya'll some other time.