So... I gave in got a puppy. She's half chihuahua, half nobody knows, 100% adorable.
I named her Zwiebel (Deutsch for onion... Yea I'm crazy)
I've had her for a week and she's so much fun. My cats are still mad that she's here, but they will lighten up soon, I hope. The only thing I'm not sure about is training her. I've read on several websites that you should keep your puppy in a cage when you're not around. Maybe I'm on crack, but that sounds kind of mean to me. I'm gone usually about 8-9 hours a day at work, so I don't want to leave her imprisoned that long (even though she'll probably just sleep the entire time.) So... I don't know what I'm going to do. But I'll figure it out.
Also, I'm not trying to be all emo-dramatic, but I've been feeling really withdrawn from the world lately. Like, I don't have a lot of friends in Phoenix. I've been here for nearly 2 years, and just seems like everyone I meet around my age is already married and have kids, or they're super uptight. My conversations go kind of like this
Me: "I'm going to get my eyebrow re-pierced, now that I'm not working at the hotel anymore."
Random Phoenix friend: "What? Wait, why would you do that?" *dramatic confused stare*
Me: "Because I like it..."
Random Phoenix Friend: "You're 23... Don't you want to get a real job?"
I'm sorry teaching isn't a real enough job for anyone...
Anyways, with all of that being said... I've gotten back into the anime scene and I've decided to start an anime club to maybe meet a few people that aren't so... Beyond their years. I really just want to be dorky and not be judged for it.
I just need to find a few people who are interested in getting together to let out their inner otaku ^_^
Here's to dreaming big, I guess. Lol!
Till next time ~ <3