Nobody is listening

Oct 30, 2005 01:03

Not sure when it started, it probably started over two weeks ago... possible the begining in October, maybe earlier than that. I had to drop out of school because finantual aid had the brilliant idea of screwing up all of my information and not allow me to submit changes. I decided to leave that school and got to a different one. I've only had misfortune in that school to begin with so in my opinion I hadn't made a big sacrifice. The problem is that I never had a ride for so long and I finally just grabbed some money and tried to take the bus to school to finish the transfering prossess. Unforunately I missed a bus. I waited for an hour for the next bus in cold and thick fog. That kind of fog you see in movies but never think that it can happen to you? Yeah that stuff. The next bus came and I got on.

It went the wrong way.

I was also to cold to hop out and wait for the next bus. I asked the driver how I can get down town and he pointed out number 29 was the one to take. I hopped off and was ready to board the number 29 bus only to be told it'll take a while because the driver was on break (the driver told me this himself), he soon boarded the bus and then drove off with out me. I ended up walking around several blocks trying to find either a payphone or another bus stop. Found one only to have that bus wiz past me. Finally after an hour of walking I managed to find a payphone and another bus stop. Needless to say the bus never came and I had just enough to call someone for a ride.

The day after that I volenteered to help my mother with her business only to be treated by all the other people there like I was in the way when I was doing more work than them. I was then informed that my sister, Emily, will be moving next door to me with my parents. I had a panic attack upon hearing this bit of news.

Now if you know me at all you should know that my sister Emily has managed to make it a goal in her life to either kill me or just make my life a living hell. She will litterally come into my home, take my things and yell at me, insult me, and verbally push me into the ground in my own house telling me all the time that my own home is not my home. I can't do anything because my roommates back Emily up for some unknown, demented, reason. Emily's fiancee, Dustin, is the same way. Except he'll actually yell in my face "shut up bitch nobody listen's to you and this isn't your place." (actual quote from him when I asked if he would not cuss as much)

After that I had been working on my halloween costume only to find out that the main part of it that I had ordered would not come in, at all. Dustin had been coming over almost every day into my house, with out knocking (my roommates won't let me lock the doors) and trashes the place as if he lived here, and I'm the one who cleans everything up (my eldest sister, Adriane, helps as well at least). And I've been trying to deal with it ever since my protest to my mother's decition of letting the bastard and Emily move back in with her only to have my mother basicly say, "I will not accomidate you." She still seems to have this problem in understanding that Emily and her fiancee have drained over 20 thousand mooching dollars from my parents over just two years.

Anyway, I was out getting halloween decorations only to come home to find out that Emily had taken over the decorating and wanted a "pirates of the caribean" theme (I was only handed money and told the get decorations, no theme involved). I finally put my foot down and said I was not going to do it. So we all agreed to have two seperate parties. On sunday they would have theirs and on hallween I would have mine, where I was planning on having a potluck in the early afternoon and then music, movies, snacks, and whatnots after dark. Get this, it's so wounderful to hear;
Emily and Dustin just told everyone today that they are going to get married on Halloween, this monday.

Planned right over my potluck. And this is the real kicker, they only are doing this after I had been talking about how -I- wanted to get married on halloween and how much fun that would be. Emily and Dustin had been planning on getting married it he summer in HAWAII!!!! Aren't they sweet little FUCKERS!

Also today I was told by my mother that she needed someone to drive her "curitasy" car. I don' t have time for that because I got to study for another placement test for school. So I suggested my friends who are very experianced as drivers and all that good stuff. She shot down that idea right away. Because "I want to keep the money in the family," she had told me. Then why the HELL is she hiring Emily and Dustin's friend Alone?! He's useless and doesn't know what to do! I had suggested my friend, Aibou, WHO KNOWS what she's doing because she used to volenteer in a hospital!!!! Mom just said she'll keep her in mind and that she -might- call her for an interview. Funny thing really, Emily will be conducting the interview. Emily is so freaking bias that she hated my friend Jaime before they even met because she was my friend, Emily also used to beat my dog for no reason because he was my dog. Nice reasoning right? Hope she gets run over and hospitalized on her wedding day.

Also my bank has my address wrong for some retarded reason. I need to change that.
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