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Since so many people have been asking me, here goes
The Trial, From The Defence Lawyer's Perspective
"So how did you get to be Lord Vetinari's Terrier Lawyer, then?"
Mid-may - June 2006.
I decided to attend DW Con and be the Dark Clerks' Überwald Department and got randomly picked to be a member of the Guild of Lawyers.
While I was set on finding some small way to participate in the scheduled Trial of Vetinari (even appearing for a second in the background as some kind of court servant would have been nice ^^), finally my brain nudged me and I realized that the Guild of Lawyers was bound to be involved.
Either that or the organizers of the event would be in trouble. XD
July 2006.
I contacted Cara, our Deputy, who contacted Bruce, who said, yes indeed, he'd like the Guild of Lawyers to coordinate Lord Vetinari's defence. As soon as I read that, I raised my hand (i.e. PMd him). He replied that he'd "like to use" me, while I guess he mistook me for Drummers for a second, because he said Stephen had been mentioning someone to him.
Anyway, he said he'd get back to me "later today". He didn't.
At around the same time, Drummers (
lady_twatterby was on the task as well, started organizing the Dark Clerks and accomplished a neat essay that also helped me very much.
August 2006.
About a fortnight later Bruce posted to the Lawyers' board (!!!) that he was looking for volunteer Lawyers to take part in the Trial, Chief Defence and maybe a couple of Assistants. Ahem. I PMd him again, basically saying "Hallo?! Here I am! *bounce bounce bounce* Waiting for you to get back to me for two weeks....".
On the 14th of August, 3 days before "my journey to Discworld" all I had been able to get out of Bruce was that I wouldn't need a real Lawyer's robe....
--> So, all I knew at this point was that I was very likely going to be involved in the Trial in some kind of lawyery function, most probably the denfence.
Convention time
In the afternoon, Bruce approached me (I was wearing my Ring*Con badge), saying he'd come and find me during or after dinner to brief me. He didn't (and neither did I see him).
--> All I knew at this point was that
1) I had to find witnesses,
2) Drummers (being involved on stage herself) and Lady Vetinari (badge name; too shy to speak up on stage ;) ) would help me with arguments,
3) I could count on all my fellow Dark Clerks to help me as best they can. *huggles*
In the morning, I briefly talked to Stephen along the lines of "Hallo, I'm your Lawyer." - "Oh, wonderful!" :P
I went to find Bruce up at Ops/Programme Room. We managed to meet at around 1 p.m. Yay. He briefed me, revealed to me that Terry was going to be the Prosecution witness (but of course I wasn't to tell anyone) and that the Judge would cause quite a stir (at which point it was clear to me that it was Vetinari himself XD). He said that on sunday all people involved in the Trial (i.e. Bruce, Terry, Stephen, me HEEE! the utter awesomeness of that line! XD) would have a meet up to discuss some final points. We didn't. But please, read on.
--> Now I knew the following points:
1) The actual schedule of the Trial, around 20 minutes being reserved for the Defence,
2) I had to find about 2 witnesses to fit into that time,
3) I had to make up an opening and closing argument,
4) Everything was to be kept Discworld (I'd have done that anyways).
All through the day the Dark Clerks were busy at the recruiting desk and while subscribing members ("free pencil!") also asked virtually everybody that passed by whether they'd like to be a witness for Lord Vetinari's Defence. Of course most of the time people would say they wouldn't want to speak up on stage. Very well. *shrugs*
Still, I was indeed pleasantly surprised that by early afternoon we had already found 3 witnesses. Yay! *dance* I told them to ponder about some arguments and/or stories on their side and said we'd have a talk on sunday (me still thinking beforehand we'd get to have that meeting Bruce talked about).
--> Witnesses in order of when-they-said-yes:
- Becky (
vimeslady) as a Lady from Cockbill Street,
- Periwinkle as a Seamstress,
- Finsterer Fred as a Musician.
Lady Vetinari accomplished a most wonderful ~1 page-long essay, complete with arguments, proof and quotes in virtually no time. <3 It helped tons, although there was little to actually use because it was Roundworld ("In Feet Of Clay we saw that...."). Still, appreciated hugely!
First thing in the morning, my Lawyer colleagues arranged a contract with the Assassins that they were not to take any contract on me and furthermore if any member of any other Guild would harm me, they'd take down that member plus their respective Head of Guilds.
You cannot even begin to imagine how incredibly cool I felt. XD
Nobody tried anything, though (and only my Plushie Lordship was custard pied on friday night, when the contract had not been made yet).
Becky was really nervous the whole weekend through. I did my best to comfort her. :) Because despite the, ahem, organisation I honestly was very confident indeed.
We invaded Chaos Costuming and with the lovely help of the people there put together a neat Lady-from-Cockbill-Street costume.
In the morning I went to find Bruce. It turned out that if we were going to have a meeting, it'd be just me and him, no mention of the others involved. Well, we said 2 p.m.. At that time I went up to Ops. Bruce wasn't there. Ops told me he'd just gone up to his room to sleep.
I say, can you imagine that I was slightly upset? Anyway, I am not a being-angry person, so I decided not to let that bother me and went on organizing my stuff. Drummers told me that apparently Stephen was also experiencing trouble in contacting and communicating with him. u_û
At the signing session Stephen told me to show up for the Trial looking really sexy "so nobody pays attention to what you're saying". *löl* I told Drummers I wasn't exactly sure if that was supposed to be a compliment or an insult, but of course I knew which way it was meant, what with the Cunning Plan™ and all that. ;)
After this, it was the Gala Dinner. After that, I managed to catch Bruce and exchange a few words. It was on the whole quite a busy day, so I didn't see my witnesses at all apart from Becky, who I briefed, comforted, told to relax and we made up my questions and her testimony together. She was very inventive and also thinking very in-character, both of which was truly wonderful!
That night, there was some confusion as to who was going to be the Defence Lawyer. Apparently someone from OPs (I didn't catch her name, but she was very sorry indeed and apologized several dozen times *huggle*) thought it was another one of my Lawyer colleagues and had spread the (false) info far and wide. Well, that was soon cleared up, no harm done.
Stephen also insisted on a female Lawyer (the Cunning Plan™ again) and that whole night in Biers with Drummers,
merrymoll and the band was very nice indeed. He kept teasing me all the time, telling me not to have a hangover during the Trial, introducing me to literally everyone as "Oh, by the way, that's my Lawyer" and all kinds of stuff. When I said that if things really went down the Ankh my last resort would be to burst out in tears on stage crying "please don't kill him!" he just couldn't stop laughing. What's so funny about a girl crying, eh? ;P I got "officially" instructed as to what to wear for the Trial and it was all I could do to convince them that glitter was well enough, no need for butter or margerine, thank you very much. XD Yes, I love this kind of nonsense. ^^
Of course I was scared about questioning Terry as the Prosecution Witness, because he was bound to have the upper hand. No chance of me being cunning on him. At all. All the more because I had to impsovise my questions for him on the spot. (Of course, I didn't even dream of what happened the next day. XD But please, read on.) When I told Stephen he briefly abandoned his mode-of-friendly-teasing and told me not to worry (also, he seemed to be surprised I knew who the witness was). It didn't last long, the time of non-teasing. *laugh*
Monday, Day of the Trial
Drummers made sure the Dark Clerks were in the front rows for the Trial.
I managed to catch Periwinkle (who had actually made up her speech in detail and also this little thingie with the letters) before and Fred during breakfast and we made up their questions and testimonies.
I wrote all of my witnesses a little note saying they were Defence Witnesses and therefore should be granted access to the Green Room before the Trial (which was at 11 a.m.). I still cannot say how incredibly cool it felt to first write them and afterwards see that they actually worked. ^-^V *heee*
Being in the Green Room also felt very cool. Apart from my notes, I brought two books just to look business (and the german-english dictionary just to tease Stephen XD) and my mouth was incredibly dry. My mind was a blank and I tried to get into concentration (do not worry, dear readers, that is an entirely normal process, at least for me, before going on stage). When I arrived, all the band except Terry was already there. A few last words from Bruce. Becky being nervous. Fred.... actually, I have no idea what he felt like, but he seemed to be quite normal.
Stephen transformed into Lord Vetinari and actually looked like a carnivorous flamingo, stalking through the room in his robes. Last plottings between Stephen and Drummers and when Terry arrived - more plotting! Including the Tyrant bit, the bit with having Terry ushered off the stage and the coffee brought for His Lordship.
Stephen: "Oh, and can you bring me a coffee, somewhat 20 minutes into the Trial?"
Ops Girl: "OK, I'll arrange that. *goes on radio* Hallo? Yes, can you arrange for a coffee to be brought to Stephen during the Trial? Yes, right on stage. Just come down the middle aisle."
Stephen: "And make sure it's from Costa's or I might throw it at someone."
Ops Girl: "*into radio* And Stephen says it had better be from Costa's or he'll throw it at someone. ....... Tyrant. *shrugs*"
That moment was priceless. <3
As soon as we went out of the Green Room and backstage and on stage, my nervousness was gone.
For a neat report about the Trail itself, you might want to read
Drummers' notesI was complete GLEE about Terry destructing the Prosecution entirely. XD After that, I wasn't scared the least bit anymore about questioning him.
Me: "questionbalblabla...."
Bruce: "Excuse me, are you questioning the witness or are you doing a speech?"
Me: "It's a speech really and I want to get Terry to just say 'yes'. :P "
I managed to keep a straight face at all times. Yay! All jokes my witnesses and me had come up with worked fine (strangely enough, people even laughed at a point when we thought it would be rather depressing oÒ? ). Yay!
After about half an hour my face felt like it was burning from the spotlights. *bzzzt*
In the end, people were asked first to stand up to vote against His Lordship. I saw Drummers counting and taking notes. One second later Stephen goes "Drumknott, make notes of their names for later." XD When people were asked to stand up in favor for His Lordship I remembered just in time to get up as well. XD
"I declare myself a good thing for the city." And everybody cheered. ^^
After the trial I received congrats and a couple of warm handshakes. :) I was very pleased, particularly about the jokes working.
The Dark Clerks took a picture together with their Lordship and after
dominofalling and I had accompanied Drummers to the station the magic was gone.
As a thank you, Bruce let me take home the small Guild Banners (except for the Conjurors', one of them had already taken it themselves), so now I own the Guild Banners plus the Dark Clerks' one - all of about the same size. ^-^V
I told him it was, ahem, interesting that Terry had destructed the Prosecution like he did. Of course, being the Creator, he wouldn't have created it that way if he didn't like it. Trial Quote Terry: "My relation to the Defendant is, I created him and the world around him. And I saw that it was good." XD But still, Prosecution is Prosecution. To which Bruce replied that apparently Terry had been expecting some kind of scripted play (while it was basically improvised) and hadn't really known what it was all about.
I will not comment any further on this statement.
Final Thoughts, i.e. Thank Yous
Although quite frankly his organization of the whole thing was a bit on the chaotic (maybe not chaotich as such, just a little less communication than I'd have wished for) side ;) I want to thank Bruce for giving me this opportunity. I've been a fan of Lord Vetinari for a long time now and as that and a Dark Clerk it was marvellous to be able to do that!
Thank you to my Lawyer colleagues for arranging that incredible contract as the very first thing.
I cannot express how grateful I am for my fellow Dark Clerks, who helped me as best they could, fed me all my arguments and found me my witnesses. I could not have done without you!
At this point I particularly mention (and I hope you lot are ok with Roundworld names, if not, say the word, please!)
- Esther aka Rufus Drumknott (
lady_twatterby) aka Drummers, Chief Secretary to the Patrician and as Head of the Dark Clerks arranging and organizing tons of stuff. Thank you for the arguments and all your counselations.
- Karen (
domnofalling) and Gill (
merrymoll) for being the sweetest roommates (along with Drummers) anyone could wish for! Thank you (also to Drummers) for your work on the Dark Clerks recruition desk that found me my witnesses. Wuv you!
- Gaenor aka Lady Vetinari who provided not only that wonderful essay but also a huge bunch of support all through the weekend.
- My wonderful witnesses Becky (
vimeslady), Periwinkle (I don't even know her real name XD) and Sebastian aka Fred. I was amazed at how resourceful you lot were! Vetinari owes you one. ;D
All in all, it was a brilliant experience and tons of fun!
*GROUPHUGS everyone involved*
aka it's pronounced Yoh, not You
aka Dark Clerk von Reibekuchenlützelhausen, Überwald Department
aka "Oh, by the way, that's my Lawyer."
aka "Oo, it's you with that doll!"