Kidnapping Plot.

May 19, 2010 12:45

Hey folks,

It appears that our kidnapping plot has stalled out. I'm sure we all have/had a lot going on, but it'd be nice to continue and hopefully wrap things up so that our characters are no longer tied up -- some of them literally. :)

I think we're at a point in the thread that we can either start a new thread or a new post for the actually decent onto Duela's hideout and rescue. The planning can be hand-waved -- our intrepid heroes probably need a strategy, but we can discuss that here.

Also, it might be helpful if we pick a specific day/time that we all can be around to wrap things up faster. As far as the near future goes, I am available in the evenings, pretty much every night (Just not too late, as I am getting up early in the AM most days and need my beauty sleep.

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?
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