So, have summer plot? :D?

Apr 25, 2009 11:51


I'm Kay, and I've threaded on the Dark City comm…Maybe all of one time. :D;; I've done a fair amount of threading with sarah_branigan, though. I got introduced to the movie through the Dark City players at Dear_Multiverse, and it turns out that I think it's an AWESOME film.

Awesome enough to warrant a summer plot. Which is what I'm posting here for. I ran the idea past Sarah-mun, and she wisely suggested that I come talk about here, to get some input. (And it only took me about a month to write this up after hearing that! Progress!)

What I was thinking would be fun to run this summer would be something that follows the flowerclock structure. (Free form prompts and levels for people to play in, a new theme per day, stuff to beat up, and an eventual deadline.) But would also use some of the neat Dark City themes, like memory, identity, ontological mysteries, creepy men in black coats, etc.

Some Basic Ideas
The (VERY rough) concept is having pups who have been signed up for this event getting kidnapped/abducted to an alternate City, with alternate Strangers thrown into the mix. And where there are Strangers, there will be tampering with memories and identities.

The players do get to decide on this, and just how this happens. Three ideas I had would be creating a history from scratch, forming AU memories, or pulling a switcharoo between characters. Or some combination of these ideas!

Actual Play
I was thinking that once people have worked out just how they're going to mess with their pup's head, the summer plot proper would get underway. And it can pretty much be boiled down to two goals:

1. For the characters to get out of where they've been taken and/or last out the plot. (Which I think would run for maybe two weeks. It would go longer then Flowerclock because I figured it might be good to put a day long buffer between introducing new locations.)

2. For the characters to get back their original memories/identities. (And the ways they can do that would hopefully be very open ended. Finding some sort of item that tied into who they used to be, some freak Tuning on the part of the Strangers causes some old memories to take on physical form, etc, etc.)

Mixed in with that is figuring out that something is seriously amiss with the City the pups have found themselves in (and probably had taken for granted, initially) piecing together clues on just what the heck has happened to them, and possibly some fighting and adventuring through the City. (The tuning ability has a lot of potential for abuse wonderful RP use when it comes to creating weird places to explore, or maybe even monsters to fight!)

So, that's the bare bones of the idea; big old Nexus Summer Plot, with LOTS of Dark City flavoring. I have more notes, and a couple of ideas for levels written down in word docs, which are available on request. Any thoughts, or opinions?

(Also, I should probably note that there is no way I am going to run this thing alone. I'm new to running plots, especially big Nexus ones, so I need all the help I can get.)
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