(no subject)

Aug 29, 2005 15:04

i'm at my new school, fuckers!

i spent 300 dollars on USED books. yeah i feel ripped off but i didn't get on the ball and buy them offline earlier. i should have, but i didn't. so sad.

my roomies, all 3 of them are very cool and im looking forward to this year and the drinking.

i'm planning on lowering my smoking and soon enough eliminate it all together. hopefully it will happen sooner than later.

i bought two 12 packs of oodles of noodles, one chicken, one beef for 3 dollars total. yeah thats fucking sweet.

burger kind burgers are fuckikng HUGE and umm, they have crack in them.

i decorated my wall all prettily, cause i could and it quite neato.

i wonder what the theater program is like in here . . . st. mary's i mean.

boys boys lots of boys.
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