Appearently I'm malignant.

Aug 03, 2004 22:11

{:Poked his head in, not daring to enter farther than that, the simple motion of opening the small oak door caused dust to take flight from the ground and rush away from him.:}

Goood lord. {:He breathed, tugging slightly at the back of his neck and stepping into the room.:}

It's been a while... {:despondency meandering throughought his voice. Slowly, he began to dust the barren room with his removed shirt. He worked quietly, his face was fixed on his makeshift rag's movement accross the dark surface of the floor. Gradually, the floor's original brilliant, almost too perfect shine returned to the floor, revealing the surreally beautiful patterns that lined the floor and walls, glistening in the light from the moon, which shone from an ample skylight cut into the high ceiling.

Slowly, he stood up, his back popping quietly as his spine straightened. He smiled heartily, seeming very pleased with himself.:}

Let's bring this place to life. {:He announced quietly, but not without pride. Swiftly, he made his way to the windows with a powerful new resound in his step. He opened them all quickly, the moon cast long shadows in the room, revealing some of it's inhabitants, including a large, very broken in and comfertable looking half circle couch, which seemed to border a heavy looking oak coffee table, round in shape. The room was littered with bookshelves, all packed with books of all sizes. The aforementioned design was painted all around the room, like a tattoo. It struck him, even though he had seen it so many times before, it's colorful nature enchanted him. It was an impossibly large vine, sprinkled with flawless red and blue lilys, their pedals seemed to stretch out into a yawn, anticipating the new beginning.:}

Mmm... Beautiful...

((Wow, I'm going to save you guys the trouble of reading all of that. *smirks* Anyway, I'm back. And I know you can all RP, so I think it'd be cool if you RPed in my comments. ^_^ Because just LJing is boring the hell out of me. *pokes his tongue out* So yeah. :) I'll make a more informative update tomorrow. *smiles and waves* night all! And Shep_Dog, I'm no longer friends only. Yay for you. But I'll have you know, just as you predicted, about a week after you made that comment, Rogue developed a cancerous tumor in his bladder area, and died not long after. And then again, only a month or two after that, Decaf suffered blindess, and injured himself in his cage, and not long after his injury, died of unknown causes. Both died in a state of complete confusion, terror, and lonliness. Thanks, pal.))
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