May 16, 2008 17:32
September 5th, 2007 at 7:08 pm
Once upon a taiym
Der was two kitteh called Hansul & Grettlez
and they wuz in the woods,
and they founded a hawse made owt of cheezburger
“I dunno bout this” said Hansul. “Mebbe a traps.”
“Srsly? Ur out ov ur minds,” said Grettlez. “Dis is teh nomertuniteh ov us lifetimes.”
“K” said Hansul.
And they both nommed happili ever afters.
Or maibe there were a krazy old wummin,
and maibe they lefted a trail of cheezburger crumbs.
Or not.
Ah furgets.
It’s late.
Nite nite.