Jan 30, 2007 08:15
Has anyone heard anything of or from Kagura yet? Still nothing for me, although I have been searching.
I'd appeal to the better nature of whomever took her to let her go, but I rather doubt whoever it is has a better nature.
[ooc: Strike private but hackable.]
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And how are you doing? From personal experience, I recognize some of the signs of the aftermath of the Judgement.
Where are you going with that train of thought? Cause I highly doubt that the cult would bother with the pretense of looking for her if she were a judgement victim. And someone would have found her by now.
I'd loved to put the blame on the fuckers for the girl's disappearance but seriously this isn't their style.
So what does that tell us? That it's someone who has no concerns about taking innocents. In this City? There are innumerable options. I can't help but wonder about Millennium simply because she is associated with me and I don't think they're going to let me go so easily, but there's been no offer of a trade, nothing.
The silence is deafening.
If you want to miss my point, I won't belabor it.
What the fuck is that suppose to mean?
As for the other, my point is that I am concerned about your mental health. The aftermath of the Judgement is, from personal experience, anything but easy. I grant that I am no paragon of mental stability and was not before Pyramid Head got his hands on me, but I cannot see how its aftereffects can be negligible for anyone.
I was inquiring after your well-being. As people do when they care what happens to each other.
I know little of these shinigami and arrancar that seemed so determined to tear the City apart over who was sleeping with whom.
Does no one learn from Romeo and Juliet?
Regardless of that and their willingness to cut each other up, would they take Kagura?
[ooc: Yep, he's back to the idea of not belaboring the point. He's certainly been in her shoes recently enough to know how useless it is to go inquiring after the health of someone who neither wishes to think nor speak of it.]
[ooc; Smart guy, she is Miss Skirt The Issue at the moment.]
If Kagura falls under the definition of purity for one group of fanatics, it stands to reason that she may for another as well.
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