(no subject)

Feb 25, 2006 22:42

I love the feeling of not knowing what is going on with...well, life for that matter.

Like always, I'm having the feeling I need to question something that is beond my understanding.

Like Life

It has seemed to me quite recently that it is a world-wide board game of some sort.

Where everyone's life is their last

Now please, don't get me wrong, I'm not having a little emo, goth, w/e moment when I type these things

I just think that life is a game that you can win or lose at, you have challenges that you can pass or fail

And when you do lose or win the game...game over...dead

Afterwhich you are sent to heaven ::angles sing in background:: or hell

It's all very confusing and you probably haven't bothered to read this far b/c half way through it your saying to yourself, "Oh wow! What a waste of time, reading this crazy's ramblings of death and all this other stuff that I don't care to think about or read about for that matter..."

But let's be honest here. The only reason you could have for reading these far into this post is because one of two reasons

One, you know what I am talking about and care to read more about the subject
Two, you have nothing better to do

Either way, your not wasting your time and neither am I...

Sooooo, before I get to far off the subject, I would like to say this

Life is Death because when we are born we are doomed to die

So in the time we have life we should use it to play the game God has set up for us

And yes, I did say GOD, anyone who doesn't like that can go fuck yourself

That being said, the last thing I have to say is...

1. Live your life to the fullest, but play by the rules

2. Your either an enemy or a friend b/c in this game there is NO neutral

3. Games are made to be enjoyed so please have some fun every once and a while

4. If you break the rules God has set down for you, well...GAME OVER

As someone and someone after him as said, "Those who are ungrateful for life don't deserve it."

...And I LIVE by that...

Always Yours,

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