can't think of a fitting title of the randonmess below

Feb 11, 2006 15:18

So. Right.
My Pysc teacher is going to throw out the test I failed because apparently the whole class did dismally and she is going to give us a take-home midterm that is going to be double-weighted. That's good I guess. I need to study more for that and I need to take an astronomy test tomorrow. Woo hoo.
Work is... bullshit. All around. I think I am going to quit both of my jobs and just go over to the temp agency... but I haven't fully decided yet. I really need to considering though... it's coming down to the wire... I'm just so sick of it all. I think it will be good to get out of the mall, too. My dad isn't offering me that job anymore because of some other bullshit so fuck him too. Dunno if I mentioned that.

I keep saying that I am going to go to the temp agency yet I still haven't gone. Monday I swear. I think. Ugh. ::slaps forhead:: I am such an avoider sometimes. Well I am really annoyed because I lost one of the balls on my lip ring and I just realized it and I forgot my wallet, so I have to go back home before I go to work. UGH. At least tonight is Rocky. Last night I went to see the show put on by Bawdy Caste in San Jose. It was definitely different. An experience to be sure. I had fun, but I definitely prefer Barely Legal and a screen-accurate cast in general. Also, it is really nice that B.L. has a STAGE, and doesn't just have to perform on the ground in front of the screen at a normal theater. Makes it really hard to see the latter way. I don't really want to talk shit so I'll just leave it at Celeste and I were cringing throughout because of some choice things lacking and things doing...
Yesterday Lorna, the Jamaican bitch that works in fragrances yelled at me for closing my register early. I wanted to SNAP I was so close. SO many things I wanted to say but didn't. I spent the entire time talking to Michelle, our new freelancer, and then doing my makeup for Rocky. That was fun. You know it's dramatic when people slow down around the counter and gawk at you like a tourist attraction. I got numerous compliments on it though by passerby... mostly from guys though, which is unusual. A lot of the guys I know don't like a lot of makeup. But whatever!
Busty still hasn't emailed me back but hopefully I can talk to her tonight. I have had several people tell me I should try out to be a Crowd Pleaser, too, and so have been debating it... So not much has changed in the ways I spend my time. Work, school, rehearsing. I like it that way though. I try to do things that make myself happy, and right now those are it. Well, not working.. but hey, that's life. After I leave here I need to go to the piercing shop and buy replacement balls, then go to the ATM... then drive by Automotive Rentals because I think I left my parking permit in there. Oh. I still haven't paid my ticket and it's like past due at this point. I am sort of at a loss. I am going to try and extend the due date like I did with my speeding ticket but it might be too late. My scene in theater is coming along pretty good. Tamika and I have really good intentions, and I think our scene is going to be really funny and entertaining, for both us and the class. Oh, if anyone has a boombox they want to lend me that would be fabulous. kthxbye.
I talked to Maria about all the crap she does that pisses me off today (again) and she proceeded to snap on me (again) saying that I leave my school notebooks out. UM OK. Let's see... school notebooks on the kitchen table or ash all over the couch, the carpet, the table, the bathroom sink...? I mean give me a fucking break. The other night Matthew came over and he was all... your house smells like cigarettes. I almost popped a vein. Seriously. In order to get the smell out I have to vacuum daily, spray febreeze everywhere, and then light incense and open the doors on top of all of that! It's ridiculous. It is so disrespectful... she lets her friends come over and roll blunts in the livingroom and they get shit everywhere and them nor she cleans them up. I clean everything and she can debate it but it is the truth. ::scream:: Okay I am done. For now.
I finally got my room cleaned and organized, yay! So now all I have to do is finish decorating and such. It's pretty cute. Soon I am going to have a little rehearsal party and Celeste, Rebecca and Matthew are going to come over and we are going to have pizza and practice and what not. It will be fun. Um fuck. What else. I still don't know what I am wearing tonight, but whatever it is lacking I'll make up for in makeup and hair. LOL! Can't wait to see Ashley. :) I have Lights and Sounds stuck in my head by Yellowcard. Been thinking a lot lately. About everything. Life. My cuticles are atrocious. I don't want to give notice for work. I will though. Sort of want to call in today. I won't though. But if Lorna says one more thing to me or looks at me wrong I swear to God... everyone in Benefit knows how I feel about er, that...them... So they won't be surprised if... Yeah. It was really funny - Svet came over and talked to me from Clarins because she was about to punch this lady from Clinique in the face. She had to "calm down". That lady is from the Caribbean as well, so I can see why she might feel that way...
PG&E bill came. 132$? Yeah. So I am definitely making Maria pay for half of that. I told her and she was all, "Well fine! Do you want to pay ME 86$ for the internet then?" And I was like, "No... because I don't HAVE internet on my computer yet. I don't USE it. So I am not going to pay for it." And she was pissed but whatever she's doing it. If anyone knows a lot about computers and wants to fix mine or just set up internet on it somehow it would be greatly appreciated. It has a wireless card in it but it won't pick up the signal from Maria's airport and I don't know how to set up the network so it's all fucked up. Whatev... sigh.. I am a little stressed right now for some reason. I think it is just the whole job situation eating at me. Monday I swear. I'll look up all the info right now...

::DaRk BlU::
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