I fit right in your perfect skin...
I fit right in your perfect sin.
What's been going on?
Well I've been busy. Didn't you know? Very.
I can't remember everything that has happened. Here's some highlights. Sunday I went to Lestat with Matthew, and it was fabulous and I had a fabulous time. He makes me laugh to the point where I can't breath and start doing this embarrassing asthmatic cough thing...
Monday, can't remember. Oh yeah. I missed work by accident and spent the day cleaning and then doing miscellaneous errands.
Tuesday, can't remember. Oh yeah. Paid my speeding ticket and then ditched school to go shopping in Berkeley with Jace, then went to work.
Wednesday. Shit. What happened Wednesday? Oh yeah. I cleaned compulsively and then Matthew came over and we ran errands and rehearsed. I now have a new DVD player and two copies of the best movie ever.
Thursday. That's today! Went to class. It was good. Did some fun improv that was twisted and involved a lot of references to crack...
"I was high and produced...a crack baby!"
"And that crack baby was...ME?"
"So what if I'm high?... on CRACK!"
"OMG... that house was full of...crack!"
It seemed to be an ongoing theme that proved hilarious. Abnormal Pysc was good except for the fact that I almost started CRYING! No further comment on that. I have hella homework I need to be doing, and then I have to buy...something. I forget. Milk and something else. Oh yeah. I got ANOTHER ticket today! My life is full of tickets. I am so over it. I have to buy STAMPS I guess to mail the check with the ticket. ::grumble:: I got a PARKING ticket this time. Now I have three of a kind! Ha. Oh, gotta set up traffic school still... and got to get my car running so I can pay my OTHER ticket, which was a fix-it ticket. I think that's due on the 8th. Anyway, lately I have been feeling socially isolated and depressed, even though I have no reason to be depressed, so I am not quite sure why I feel so.
I guess I feel alone, even though I have people around me constantly. I don't know WHY this is happening. And I don't know why I continue to love my parents when they don't deserve to be loved by me. What is my PROBLEM?! Why do I always give attention to the people who deserve it least? Why do I love being treated like shit? Is this some sadistic addiction? Why don't I ever end up liking NICE GUYS? I thought I almost did.
But then he was too nice.
Now I am back at square one.
No, I'm at negative square because I am questioning my sexuality again.
On another note...
I have recently obtained 28 new eyeshadows from Ben Nye. I am obsessed. But I also did my eye makeup really fun today! Makeup is so much fun! Makeup makeup makeup. I still need to acquire a few more things... I need white powder (I have some but I don't think I like it) new brushes, different false eyelashes, and... oh yes. The correct lipstick color. I think this one at Benefit is the right shade. Bachelor Pad. Well, I am going to go and do something that will make me feel better or worse. I dunno. HOMEWORK, LIANE.
Oh. Yeah. Yesterday I had my stupid interview and our new vice prez or whatever the hell she is and coordinator are hussies. I don't think I am going to get the full-time position. I think they are going to hire someone from outside. If so I am going to SPLIT right down to the temp agency and start working hxc on my resume. Which I should be doing anyway. Oh yeah, I have to buy a printer. It would be cool if I had a FULL TIME JOB so I could BUY A PRINTER without worrying about the cost as much. I just want to stop spending my college money. I want just a little more security. I want to know what the hell is up with my car. I want to know WHY I keep getting all these tickets. And I want to know the secret... to life... itself! I want to not worry for just ONE DAY. I want my roommate to stop coming home shit faced with her friends. I want to be able to walk into my livingroom at night without seeing a co-worker having sex on my couch. I want her to clean up after myself. I want something to give me energy and relieve anxiety. I want I want I want! I am INSATIABLE! Satisfy me.
No but seriously.
::DaRk BlU::