And if you can't respect me, I don't want you in my life.
I don't care who you are
Or where you came from
Or if you think you are a big deal or not.
If you don't respect me, you are nothing to me.
Fucking %200, okay? %200...
And this applies to everyone.
I really try to see the good in people. ALWAYS. That's just the kind of person I am. I give second chances. Third chances. Fourth chances. FIFTH chances. Hundreds, okay? I wait longer than I have to to see if things will pan out or not. I get frustrated with stupid people. I acknowledge they exist, but I try and give the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes I get stressed. Sometimes I am a bitch, too. But I still have a level of respect for everyone, including Crazy, which is why I haven't punched her in the face or trashed her things. This doesn't really have to do anything with Crazy, just using her as an example. Sometimes I let myself get worked. Sometimes I stress over things that aren't my problem, and sometimes I let people treat me bad and make me feel less than I am. But you know what? No. I'm so much better than that, and maybe it took me this long to realize it, but at least I did.
"I am a strong, intelligent, confident and deserving young woman." <-- If anyone knows what that is, bless your heart. Never thought I'd repeat something from the brainwashings, but that one did come out of my head before I was partially assimilated... and it is one thing that really is legit. Last night I was with someone that made me feel %200. I need more %200 friends.
::DaRk BlU::