Bingo: Blackout

May 13, 2012 15:48

Author: rinkafic
Fandoms: Stargate Atlantis, Stargate SG-1, Farscape, Torchwood, Once Upon a Time, Sanctuary, The Addams Family
Dark: Medication, First Transformation, Forgotten, Bullying, Forced Marriage, Come, Mistaken Identity, Religon, Child Abuse, Head Trauma, Waking Up in Bed Alone, Nightmares, Paranoid Delusions, Abandoned/Abandonment Issues, Hatred, Captivity, Surgery, Prostitution, Making Deals with Demons, Don't Ask, Don't tell, Mindswap, Job Related Trauma, Haunting, Deprogramming, Possession/Mind Control (Wildcard)

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Title: The Monster’s Enemies
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis - AU
Prompt: “Medication” 
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 1,279

Warnings: Kid!Fic

Summary: The Monster's enemies are not what one might expect.
Series: part of the Keri ‘verse - post Panor


Title: In-Fernal Son
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Prompt: “First Transformation”
Medium: Fic
Rating: gen
Word Count: 5,089 
            Bonus points +50

Warning: No Standard warnings apply

Summary: Cam Mitchell finds out he isn't what he thought he was.
Series: part of the Fernal 'verse (#1)


Title: To Forget
Fandom: (Spoiler)
Prompt: “Forgotten” 
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 606

Warnings: No standard warnings apply

Summary: Remembering things that might be best left forgotten


Title: Mouse of a Dog
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Prompt: "Bullying”
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 1,879

Warnings: Descriptions of Bullying

Summary: Chuck was never one of the big dogs.
Series: part of the Fernal ‘verse


Title: One with Us
Fandom: Farscape
Prompt: “Forced Marriage” 
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 846

Warnings: Character death

Summary: Rygel thinks he's getting a great honor with this marriage.


Title: C is for Comatose
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis - AU
Prompt: “Coma” 
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 1,727

Warnings: No standard warnings apply

Summary: David doesn't know what to do when Evan is struck down and they are left powerless, with Evan hurt.
Series: Part of the Angel ‘verse


Title: Do it Right
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Prompt: “Mistaken Identity”  
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 615

Warnings: mention of character death

Summary: #1 in the Evil Chuck series.  Chuck the technician takes a walk on the dark side.


Title: Death by Sacrifice
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Prompt: "Religion"
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 728

Warnings: No standard warnings apply (Despite the title)

Summary: John and Rodney are in big trouble.


Title: Wednesday’s Child is Full of Woe
Fandom: The Addams Family
Prompt: “Child Abuse”
Medium: Fic 
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 1,958

Warnings: Child abuse

Summary: Tris wanted to get out of that house.


Title: Blown Up Sir
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Prompt:   “Head Trauma”
Medium: FIC
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 892

Warnings: No standard warnings apply

Summary: Sheppard is hurt and Weir is trying to figure out who is to blame.


Title: Take a Tralk into Your Bed
Fandom: Farscape
Prompt: “Waking up in bed alone”
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,137

Warnings: Character death

Summary: Jothee made the choice to get entangled with Chiana, maybe not such a good choice?


Title: A Host of Dreams
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Prompt: “Nightmares” 
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 921  
Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary:  #4 in the Evil Chuck series.  The gou'ald might not be as in control as it thought.  ~*~

Title: Control
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Prompt: “Possession/Mind Control” - Wildcard
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 689

Warnings: No standard warnings apply

Summary: #3 in the Evil chuck series.  Chuck loses control.


Title: Wimoweh
Fandom: Stargate - AU       
Prompt: “Paranoid Delusions” 
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 2,628

Warnings: No standard warnings apply

Summary:  Dee Lynn, the linguist for PG-3, the lost SG team, starts to believe something is after her.  The woods are coming to get her.
       Series: a tale from the Fractured ‘verse


Title: What Now?
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Prompt:  “Abandoned/Abandonment Issues” 
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Word Count: 574

Warnings: MPREG

Summary:  Poor Chuck gets some unwelcome news.
       Series:  A side snippet from Panor, part of the Keri 'verse, mid-Panor


Title: Hate More
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Prompt: “Hatred” 
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 831

Warnings: Violence

Summary: #2 in the Evil Chuck series. Chuck tries to fight the thing that is controlling him.


Title: Kitchen Goddess
Fandom: Farscape
Prompt: “Captivity” 
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 884

Warnings: Character death

Summary: Noranti likes serving in the Peacekeeper's kitchen.


Title: Missing Ianto
Fandom: Torchwood 
Prompt: “Surgery”
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 1,460

Warning: Apparent death of character

Summary: Nandeer Jack has to made a hard decision to get his Gara Ianto back, Owen, Gwen and Tosh do not like the plan, not one bit.
Series: part of the Magor ‘verse


Title: A New Line of Work
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Prompt: “Prostitution” 
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 850

Warnings: No standard warnings apply

Summary: A misunderstanding leads to some trouble off world


Title: Stay Put
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis - AU
Prompt: "Making Deals with Demons"
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 1,292

Warning: No standard warnings apply

Summary:  Sateda is being invaded by aliens, Teyla leads her squad in the fight.


Title: B is for Breakup
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis - AU
Prompt:  "Don't Ask, Dont Tell"
Medium:  Fic
Rating: Gen 
Word Count: 1,520

Warnings: No standard warnings apply

Summary: Major Parrish and Doctor Lorne get trapped.
                 Series: Part of the Jux ‘verse


Title: M is for Mindswap
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Sanctuary Crossover/Fusion
Prompt: “Mindswap” 
Medium: Fic
Rating: R
Word Count: 2,645

Warnings: No standard warnings apply

Summary: Nikola Tesla's experiment goes awry and he finds himself in Atlantis


Title: Dead Walking Men
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis - AU
Prompt: "Job Related Trauma"
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,111

Warnings: A little death!fic-y - there's zombies - but it sorta gets better

Summary:  Things are really bad in Atlantis.  Zombies.


Title: My Happiness
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis - AU
Prompt: “Haunting”
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 2,588

Warnings: Might be construed as death!fic, since there is a ghost, but not really.

Summary: A team of paranormal investigators travel to the supposedly haunted city of Atlantis.


Title: Not What You Believe
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Prompt: “Deprogramming”
Medium: Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 1,227

Warnings: No standard warnings apply

Summary: John Sheppard is being held and they want him to believe horrible things.

dark: mindswap, dark: hatred, dark: mistaken identity, dark: job-related trauma, dark: surgery, dark: forced marriage, dark: head trauma, dark: prostitution, bingo: blackout, dark: coma, dark: waking up in bed alone, dark: medication, dark: nightmares, dark: forgotten, dark: making deals with demons, !round two, dark: child abuse, dark: don't ask don't tell, dark: religion, dark: haunting, fill: fiction, dark: bullying, dark: possession / mind control, dark: paranoid delusions, dark: first transformation, dark: captivity, dark: deprogramming, dark: abandoned / abandonment issues

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