Blackout-Fandoms Adam Lambert, RPS and My Chemical Romance, RPS

Jan 30, 2012 01:29

Fandom(s): Adam Lambert, My chemical Romance, RPS
Dark promts: deprogramming, exhaustion, unfaithful, sexual extortion, hatred, undiagnosed / mysterious illness, fear of being alone, unwanted transformation, emotional abuse, sex pollen, wildcard/lost, insomnia, abandoned / abandonment issues, imprisonment, lacerations, tentacles, drowning, hypothermia, lost childhood, serial killers, dungeons, clones, sexual abuse

Title: Broken
Pairing: Jet star/Kobra kid, Jet Star/Korse(non-con)
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Swearing, non-con, violence , brainwashing, mind altering drugs, sex, Dark fic, AU.
Prompt: Brainwashing
Medium: fic
Summary: Jet star has been captured.

Title: Instinct
Pairing: Ray Toro/Mikey Way
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Swearing, Dub con due to the influence of sex pollen, anxiety, sex.
Prompt: sex pollen
Medium: fic
Summary: Mikey and Ray get spiked with sex pollen, porn with out much plot.

Title: No, I Do Not Have Fleas
Pairing: Gerard way/Frank Iero
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Swearing, Werewolves, biting, sex.
Prompt: unwanted transformation
Medium: fic
Summary: frank develops a hairy problem.

Title: What's A LiveJournal?
Pairing: Gerard Way/ Frank Iero.
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Swearing, mention of past alcohol and drug abuse, references to addiction, sex.
Prompt: Insomnia
Medium: fic
Summary: Gerard uses Fanfiction to cure his insomnia.

Title: Adults Can Have Sleepovers
Pairing: Mikey Way/Ray Toro
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Swearing, deprived childhood, sex.
Prompt: Lost childhood
Medium: fic
Summary: An interview reminds Ray of the things he never had.

Title: Better Living Industries
Pairing: Kobra kid/party poison (gen), Party poison/Fun ghoul
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Swearing, consent issues due to mental programming, restraints used in a non-sexual way against some ones consent for their own safety, violence, references to a gun battle, references to imprisonment and mistreatment, sex.
Prompt: Deprogramming
medium: fic
Summary: Kobra kid has been taken, getting him back is only half the battle.

Title: Hunger
Pairing: Gerard Way/Frank Iero
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Swearing, vomiting, curses, non-pagan witches, mystical forced starvation, light slash.
Prompt: Cursed
Medium: fic
Summary: The boys mock Frank's eating habits and get cursed

Title: I Just Want To Sleep
Pairing: Gerard Way/Bob Bryar
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Swearing, exhaustion , depression, sex.
Prompt: Exhaustion
Medium: Fic
Summary: The media attention around the tour is getting to Gerard.

Title: The Light Can Be A Scary Place
Pairing: Gerard Way/Frank Iero
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Swearing, AU, supernatural. masturbation, death fic, vague medical conditions, ghosts, sad fic.
Prompt: Fear of being alone
Medium: Fic
Summary: Gerard is a ghost, only Frank can see him.

Title: Leave You Before You Leave Me
Pairing: Gerard Way/Frank Iero
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Swearing, sex.
Prompt: Abandonment/Abandonment issues.
Medium: Fic
Summary: Frank is afraid of losing people.

Title: Bitch
Pairing: Gerard Way/Frank Iero, Bob Bryar/Mikey Way
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Swearing, dub-con, blackmail, rough sex, references to past violent crimes, violence, abuses, prostitution, drug references, blood, slight gore references, various criminal acts, sex, dark fic.
Prompt: Sexual extortion
Medium: Fic.
Summary: Gerard is a serial killer, Frank gets to share his cell.

Title: I Can't Be A Part Of This Lie
Fandom: Adam Lambert, RPS
Prompt: Unfaithful.
Medium: fic
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Swearing, cheating, violence, violence within a relationship, sex.
Summary: Adam is torn between two lovers, but knows he must make a choice.

Title: Stay With Me
Fandom: Adam Lambert, RPS
Prompt: undiagnosed/mysterious illness
Medium: fic
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Swearing, surgery, near death experiences, pain, dark fic, sex.
Summary: Adam falls ill, not knowing how serious it might be

Title: Let's Watch It Grow And Die.Fandom: Adam Lambert, RPS
Prompt: Hatred
Medium: fic
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Swearing, excessive drinking, verbal abuse, angst, references to violence, references to homophobia, mentions of violence, attempted non-con, sex, dark in places.
Summary: Falling in love and getting together should be the hardest part, should have been, but then they break up and they both learn the hardest thing to do is be in a band with someone you once loved and now hate. After a show Adam lays in to Tommy in front of a lot of people and doesn't realise quiet how much he hurts his ex until nobody can find Tommy.

Title: Shiny Red Apples
Fandom: My Chemical Romance, RPS
Prompt: Emotinal abuse
Medium: fic
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Swearing, sex, homophobic language/slurs AU
Summary: Fill for the prompt AU: High school and the Dark bingo prompt Emotional abuse. High school is hell, especially when one of the people bullying you is one of the people who are meant to stop it. But who would believe him if he says he's being bullied by a teacher? His friends and they plan to prove it.

Title: It's A Dark And Lonely Night
Fandom: Adam Lambert, RPS
Prompt: Wild card/Lost
Medium: fic
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Swearing, fear, descriptions of injuries, references to violence(in films), references to gore(in films), established relationship, sex.
Summary: Fill for the Wildcard/Lost prompt for Dark bingo and insect bite for 10_hurt_comfort. The glamily have a mini vacation and Adam and Tommy get lost.

Title: Gonna Make You Scream
Fandom: Adam Lambert, RPS
Prompt: Imprisonment
Medium: fic
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Swearing, pillow biting, sex, homophobia, jail, pillow biting, rough sex, unlawful imprisonment, sex.
Summary: Fill for the prompt Imprisonment for Dark bingo, Pillow Biting for Kinkbingo and #43 Dirty talk for smut_69. Adam and Tommy get thrown in jail for breaking local public decency laws. Tommy decides to make Adam feel better about the homophobia in his own special way.

Title: Scars
Fandom: Adam Lambert, RPS
Prompt: Lacerations
Medium: fic
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Swearing, blood, injury, accident, drunkenness, mild depression, slight self-hatred, sex.
Summary: Fill for the prompt Lacerations for Dark bingo and Mirrors for Kinkbingo. A drunken accident leaves Tommy covered in lacerations and Adam filled with guilt. Will Adam be able to put Tommy back together?

Title: The Way You Touch Me.
Fandom: Adam Lambert, RPS
Prompt: Tentacles
Medium: fic
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Swearing, tentacles, sex.
Summary: A fill for the prompt Tentacles on Dark bingo. Tommy has tentacles, Adam finds out.

Title: Save Me
Fandom: Adam Lambert, RPS
Prompt: Drowning
Medium: fic
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Swearing, drowning, near death experience, sex.
Summary: A fill for the prompt Drowning on Dark bingo. When a day at the beach takes a turn for the worse, what will happen.

Title: Wake Me Up
Fandom: Adam Lambert, RPS
Prompt: Hypothermia
Medium: fic
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Swearing, AU, age difference, references to homophobia, references to gay bashing, references to possible homicide, sex.
Summary: A fill for the prompt Hypothermia on Dark bingo, Anal sex on Kinkbingo, writers choice/age gap for 50kinkyways and unconscious for 10_hurt_comfort. Eighteen year old Tommy is enjoying his winter break when he falls threw the ice into a river. Adam finds him and tries to help him, but finds himself having to resist temptation.

Title: With A Smile Like Death
Fandom: Adam Lambert, RPS
Prompt: Serial killers
Medium: fic
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Swearing, blood, slight power imbalance, homophobia, violence, sex.
Summary: A fill for the prompt Serial killers on Dark bingo, spanking for Kinkbingo and #58 strangers for smut_69. When Tommy Joe meets a stranger at a bar he gets more than he bargain for.

Title: Welcome To The Dungeon
Fandom: Adam Lambert, RPS
Prompt: Dungeon
Medium: fic
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Swearing, crossdressing, sex.
Summary: A fill for the prompt Dungeons on Dark bingo, Corset for 69_smut, secrecy for Kinkbingo and #53 voyeur for lover100. Raja has been performing at a club called the Dungeon, that sounds like an S&M club, but is in fact a drag club. Curious about the club that looks like an actual dungeon and with nothing better to do with Tommy dodging his calls and company, Adam decides to go see Raja sing live.

Title: I Love You and You
Fandom: Adam Lambert, RPS
Prompt: Clones
Medium: fic
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: AU, established relationship, sex.
Summary: A fill for the prompt clones on Dark bingo. Someone clones Adam so that Tommy never has to be lonely.

Title: Survivor
Fandom: Adam Lambert, RPS
Prompt: Sexual abuse
Medium: fic
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Swearing, sexual abuse, mentions of past non-con, past dub-con, past abuse of power.
Summary: A fill for the prompt sexual abuse on Dark bingo and Love for 10_hurt_comfort. Tommy has a dark secret and Adam accidentally finds out.

dark: unfaithful, dark: lacerations, dark: exhaustion, dark: emotional abuse, dark: sex pollen, dark: hypothermia, dark: sexual extortion, dark: ghosts, dark: lost childhood, bingo: blackout, dark: dungeons, dark: unwanted transformation, dark: fear of being alone, dark: insomnia, dark: undiagnosed / mysterious illness, dark: cursed, dark: imprisonment, dark: sexual abuse, dark: wings, dark: tentacles, dark: drowning, fill: fiction, dark: clones, dark: serial killers, dark: deprogramming, dark: abandoned / abandonment issues

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