Bingo: Blackout

May 15, 2012 20:43

Author: rinkafic
Fandoms: None, all original fiction
Dark: Medication, First Transformation, Forgotten, Bullying, Forced Marriage, Come, Mistaken Identity, Religon, Child Abuse, Head Trauma, Waking Up in Bed Alone, Nightmares, Paranoid Delusions, Abandoned/Abandonment Issues, Hatred, Captivity, Surgery, Prostitution, Making Deals with Demons, Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Mindswap, Job Related Trauma, Haunting, Deprogramming, Apocalypse (Wildcard)

Link to card

Title:  Autumn of Our Lives
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: : “Medication”
Medium: : Fic
Rating: PG
Word Count: 596

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Not everyone is happy about new developments in the medical field


Title:  First Day on the Dark Side
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: : “First Transformation”
Medium: : Fic
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,202

Warnings: Character death
Summary: Candy's partying leads to a big problem


Title:  Far to Go
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: : Dark Bingo Fill: “Forgotten”
Medium: : Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 915

Warnings: Character death
Summary: Absentmindedness can be fatal.
        Series Monday's Child, also part of the Angel 'verse


Title:  Fair, of Face
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: : “Bullying”
Medium: : Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 683

Warnings: Bullying
Summary: Even when people grow up, some things don't change.
      Series Monday’s Child


Title:  Lottery Win?
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: : “Forced Marriage”
Medium: : Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 1,164

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Major Mike Lancey got up on the wrong side of the marriage bed that morning. He should have got off at Dova.


Title:  Child of Woe
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: : “Coma”
Medium: : Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 1,438

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Accidents happen. Deirdre seemed to have been born with bad luck.
      Series Monday's Child

Title:  Get You for That
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: : “Mistaken Identity”
Medium: : Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 952

Warnings: Character imminent death
Summary: Honesty always counts.


Title:  So Let it be Written
Fandom: Original Fic
Prompt: : “Religion”
Medium: : Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 579

Warnings: No standard warnings
Summary: In Ancient Egypt, a little girl named Sagira lives in a time of great change.


Title:  Hell is for Children
Fandom: None/Stock
Prompt: : "Child Abuse"
Medium: : 10 Icons
Rating: Gen

Warnings: Some images might be triggery, sad, lonely children



Title:  Orange Jell-O
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: : “Head Trauma”
Medium: : Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 560

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Mister Wilkens has lunch, with some help from his nurse.


Title:  Works Hard for His Living
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: : “Waking Up in Bed Alone”
Medium: : Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 1,031

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Ed has always done everything he was supposed to do.
     Series Monday's Child


Title:  A Dream of Other Lands
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: : “Nightmares”
Medium: : Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 1,012

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Mia gets to know Rahn a little better.
      Series Calrazen Lake


Title:  Facing One’s End
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: : “Apocalypse” - wildcard
Medium: : Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 3,684

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: When the world ends, what is a hunter to do? Especially if there's a bard around.


Title:  Full of Grace
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: : “Paranoid Delusions”
Medium: : Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 676

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Is Auggie really imagining the things he thinks are following him?
        Series Monday’s Child, also part of the Angel 'verse


Title:  Frayed String on a Duck
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: : “Abandoned/abandonment issues”
Medium: : Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 930

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Some sights stay with us, even something simple like a lost toy


Title:  I Hate My Life
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: : “Hatred”
Medium: : Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 910

Warnings: Character Death
Summary: Teresa hates a lot of things.


Title:  Soft Life
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: : “Captivity”
Medium: : FIC
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 752

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Felix finds himself in new circumstances.


Title:  Cut In
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: : Dark Bingo Fill: “Surgery”
Medium: : Fic
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,001

Warnings: Could possibly be construed as character death
Summary: Doctor Shelton is caught in a reoccurring nightmare. Or is it a premonition?


Title:  The Things We Do
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: : “Prostitution”
Medium: : Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 943

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Sometimes our pasts come back to haunt us.


Title:  Hell’s Afraid
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: : “Making Deals with Demons”
Medium: : Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 2,519

Warnings: Character death
Summary: Gareth Stilson, Stils to the world, is approached with a very odd bargain.
       Series Part of the Angel 'verse


Title:  Heads in the Sand
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: : Dark Bingo Fill: “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
Medium: : Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 797

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Sean wanted to act, the military gave him the opportunity.


Title:  Bonnie and Good
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: : “Mindswap”
Medium: : Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 1,280

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: The good ole' days weren't always so good, and wishing on a star made complete sense.
       Series Monday’s Child


Title:  One of Us
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: : “Job Related Trauma”
Medium: : Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 1,069

Warnings: No Violence and death
Summary: A beautiful spring day goes completely wrong.


Title:  Watched
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: : “Haunting”
Medium: : Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 826

Warnings: No standard warnings apply
Summary: Malcolm knows that everyone knows what he did.


Title:  Loving and Giving
Fandom: Original Fiction
Prompt: : “Deprogramming”
Medium: : Fic
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 1,203

Warnings: mention of past abuse
Summary: Spring was happy, how could it have been bad?
       Series Monday’s Child

dark: mindswap, dark: hatred, dark: mistaken identity, dark: job-related trauma, dark: surgery, fill: icons, dark: forced marriage, dark: head trauma, dark: prostitution, dark: apocalypse, bingo: blackout, dark: coma, dark: waking up in bed alone, dark: medication, dark: nightmares, dark: forgotten, dark: making deals with demons, !round two, dark: child abuse, dark: don't ask don't tell, dark: religion, dark: haunting, fill: fiction, dark: bullying, dark: paranoid delusions, dark: captivity, dark: first transformation, dark: deprogramming, dark: abandoned / abandonment issues

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