
Mar 19, 2009 08:14

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

For some reason I have been having very disturbing dreams for the past week that have been keeping me from sleeping well. It's nothing specific or recurring, running the gamut from hunchbacks that turn into snarling dogs to headless people filling the streets to a rouge motorbike that keeps chasing me. I've even had a man that was painted like a huge hairy elephant tentacle rape a blonde lady on a rug while a little girl watched.

In one dream, I couldn't wake up and in it I called Ging, saying "I can't wake up! You have to help me!". I already go to bed very late, and I keep waking up, and it's so hard to fall asleep again. In the past week, I think I've had an average of an hour's rest every night. This makes my work suffer, because I can't think straight. I'm soooo tired.

A lot of weird things have been happening, it's like it's almost Samhain again. The cats are iffy, snarling at useen things. I keep feeling a cat on the bed when there is none. And out of the corner of my eye, I see shadows of people walking into walls - but that can be the sleep deprivation talking. But even Lara hears the knocking at the bedroom door, and the steps up the stairs. We're used to things like this happening near the Wiccan new year, but it's barely Ostara.

I wonder if it's stress. At any rate, I'm ready to drop... just like my work efficiency. So tired all the time. :(

I think we need to move. Someone or something may be trying to tell us that we need to not be here anymore.
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