Going back to school... twice. (and some randoms)

Feb 19, 2009 17:58

In between writing and cooking dinner, I am peeking in to leave a note. How have you been, lj-land? Carlyn, I'm sorry I keep missing you at chorale practice. Abby, it was really nice to see you last week. Gail, I promise I will see you again (fed!). Rocky and Sanch, I miss you all over again. Ly, I refuse to make bread in my rice cooker when I can't even make rice in it (our house ain't insured). AC girls, next year I promise I won't have this much on my plate. Or ever.

Anyway, I went back to school, which is why I was missing for a week. I took my TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) certification course. Which was surprisingly difficult - I'm doing practicum and have not even began on my assignment, because I have backlog a mile high.

I'm kinda sluggish right now. Strangely, the motivation I had during the training just went kaput the second I told my boss that I had to take the practicum. I really don't like it when people say "do you have to" when it's a requirement. I mean, you paid for the course, and I would like to think you didn't do it just so I wouldn't be in the office for a couple of weeks.

Right now I'm so down I haven't really done anything. Which is not an excuse, and I'm trying, but it's not working. I know I'll snap out of it eventually, I just gotta keep hacking at it. Right now I'm TJ-obsessed, so I'll finish that project first, everything else (except Ging's wedding, that is) be dammed.

Speaking of going back to school, I visited my collegiate alma mater to make a request for a diploma. Another "you don't need that to get your certificate" from my boss. I swear if I had the 18k he paid for my tuition, I'd have resigned from that alone. I mean, please don't dismiss me like that. I'm not making this up, you know. Especially since I paid 350 pesos out of my own pocket for a document I'll have to pick up personally, traveling to Manila in roads that are mainly under construction. GAH! Also, the office is SO disorganized - I've had to work in he computer shop for the last few days and I HATED it.

All my plans, all I had wanted to do for the office, and now I just want to quit. It's happening all over again and he doesn't listen and he really thinks Bimbo did a better job and WHY doesn't he listen when I know later on he will make the same damn suggestions?!?!?! I'm so heartsick. I miss my Agatep job. I miss being competent. Or rather, recognized as competent.

Anyway, bitter resentment and undermined self-esteem aside, I went back to SSC. It was nostalgic, to say the least. I felt like touching every single surface. Nakakakilig na nakakalungkot. It as someplace I belonged, once upon a time, and now I belong nowhere.

Aaaaaand, that was emo. Erase, rewind, replay.

I will share a bunny story...

Once upon a time there were two bunnies who lived right on the edge of a large cabbage patch. There was a little brown bunny and a big white bunny, and they lived in a tiny burrow just right for two. They worked hard to keep their burrow in shape, and to earn their living.

The little bunny worked days and the big bunny worked nights, tending and harvesting the cabbage. On weekends, they took their share of the cabbage to market and traded it for carrots and mik, keeping some for themselves to eat.

Both bunnies were not quite happy with the way things were. They missed each other very much, and wished they could work at the same time. Plus, working nights in the damp soil made the big bunny sick, and the little bunny worried so that she almost never slept either. "It has to be done," said the big bunny, "because the cabbage patch needs attention at night, too. "But if we had a smaller cabbage patch," little bunny argued, "all the work could be done during the day."

Big bunny shook her head sadly. "But then we would not have enough, little bunny."

And they were sadder than ever.


work rant, home life, introspection

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