May 30, 2006 01:15
ok people for fuck sake, life can be so fucking gay at times
so heres an aweful job knowen as working for the evil
xentel america inc. better know by me and some peeps as xen-hell america or the shit hole, or even the realm of evil canada company that doesnt give 2 tugs of a dead dogs ass....about its employees
fucking rich spoon fed faggots i hate them fuckers....
we are all losing out jobs on friday, june 9th at 9pm....
now what does this mean for me? well since under state law, 109-07
o believe it is, states, when a company closes thwey must give 60
days notice, and if the fail to have you on until the end of that
time frame they have to continue paying us, meaning we got notice
may 15th and if we are closing june 9th i still get payed for a bit
so ill collect a check until july 15th pretty sweet....
and this means since there was no offer to transfer
that means unemployment, for 6 months....and an under the table job
how is this good news? well let me explaine, with this time
i can go get my GED or HSED, and get a better job so im happy
i wish not to persue further work with this bullshit ass company
im sick of doing this shit and my heart is not in it anymore
other news
me and cheryl are doing great
after a scare last weekend we pulled through and i feel
the love is even better then it was before, and honestly....
i have never been this happy with anyone, i have to wounder
if we found each other for a seems so
i never thought id get over the break up last summer
and she comes along and helps me throught my sorrowest times
now i love her more then anything
well whats to say? its awesome
and im liking it
other things
thanks again for everyone who showed up to my b-day party
it rocked and i had a great time getting drunk!!!!
well thats all for now i guess
be well all you