Bio for Adrian Pucey

Sep 24, 2004 17:46

Bio for Adrian Pucey

Canon knowledge (taken from the HP lexicon):

Adrian Pucey was sorted into Slytherin as he started at Hogwarts in 1989. He's a chaser on the Slytherin Quidditch team. His starting year has been extrapolated from mentions in the books of him being on the quidditch team in TPS - which would make him at least 1 year ahead of Harry Potter - and that he's still around in OTP, so he's at most 2 years ahead, which would make him a Hogwarts graduate in either 1996 or 1997. The only way to know for sure, is mention of him in the 6th book or asking JKR.

My Adrian:

Adrian was born into the comfortably wealthy (old money, old blood) Pucey family in India on Oct. 31st, 1977 and lived there with his mother (Indian pure-blood liniage) and father (English pure-blood liniage) until it was time to consider a school for the boy. They settled in England just after he turned 10. His upbringing was strict, pure-blood values - and prejudices - firmly instilled from a very early age.

His father had gone to Durmstrang, but considered the academic level to be higher at Hogwarts, so it was decided this would be the school Adrian should attend.

He was sorted into Slytherin and found himself quickly at home in this House, even though he was targetted for being somewhat smaller than most of the others, his strengths more in agility and speed. He quickly learned to bite back though, using his sharp wit, while building his physical strength, to gain an upper hand when he could. He could've been a Ravenclaw, given his studeous character, but he can be too much a bastard to be anywhere else than in Slytherin.

He admires Professor Snape for his skills and strict teaching methods. He's always considered him fair with a natural preference for his own house.

Adrian can be arrogant and condescending towards those he sees as beneath him (read: Mudbloods and muggles), but also has a sense of fair play, which at times has brought him on edge with some of his House mates. Almost in spite of his father, his mother managed to instill basic ethics and moral in him that enable him to distinguish between wrong and right. He's loyal to those he considers friends and will go far to ensure their safety.

He sees Voldemort and the Death Eaters as distinctly wrong in actions. However, he has a positive inclination towards working for a strictly (and strong) pure-blood run wizarding society.

He's highly intelligent, but also energetic and likes sports a great deal. Mostly to get physically stronger, He joined the Slytherin Quidditch team in his 2nd year as chaser and stayed with the team until his graduation, since he came to love the sport. Fencing is one of his other passions and he is an accomplished rapier fencer. Quidditch and fencing have lend him strength, agility, speed and a good sense of strategy.

He's extremely competitive, challenges and dares seem to be his weakness. If somebody tells him he can't do something, that he isn't good enough, that he's scared to do something, he'll do it, just to prove the other person wrong. However, he doesn't throw himself blindly or foolhardily into situations. He prefers to evaluate before acting. That might give him a disadvantage in connection with becoming an Auror - perhaps having problems with the 'Act first - ask later' policy. He might think quick, but he's more a strategic mind, than a tactical one. However, that will only be revealed fully, when he finds himself in a situation, where a swift reaction is necessary to keep himself or somebody else alive. He has never been in such a situation.

He finished Hogwarts before the summer of 1996 with the following merits achieved through very hard work (all with above average or excellent results).

N.E.W.T.'s in DADA, Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, Herbology and Arithmancy
O.W.L.'s (excluding subjects taken to n.e.w.t. levels) in History of Magic, Astronomi, Muggle Studies and Ancient Runes.

He wants to become an Auror because he sees it as an adventurous and interesting occupation that will make him physically, magically and mentally and give him great skills that will award him an advantage in all settings of life. The 10 year mandatory serving time as Auror goes slightly against his grain, but he's not letting that deter him. His father will not be happy to hear about his career choice, since Pucey Sr. always has supported the Dark side silently.

Adrian currently (at the entry into the game) lives with his family outside London on a small estate. This will change once his father finds out Adrian has entered Auror training.

Physical appearance:

Adrian is 6'2" tall, has green eyes and very dark brown, almost black hair. He tans pretty easily, but avoids getting too much colour. He's muscular from fencing, quidditch and running, but not overly so. On his left upper thigh he has a black and red ward mark, designed and cast by his Grandfather on his mother's side. He has no other distinctive marks.
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