Aug 26, 2004 08:00
mark, bro... you need to be here, seriously dude. there is some activity of the serious nature goin down here. this is like, the biggest rush ever. i'll tell you about it when we catch up with each other. (soon)
She is entangled in my thoughts,
I can't get her out.
She is entangled in my dreams,
but not my Reality.
She is entangled in my Heart,
though my heart is confused.
She is entangled in my eyes,
but I can only look away.
She has my mouth entangled,
for when I talk I studder.
My lust entangles me,
but I cant tell her.
My tears arent Entangled though,
they flow freely down my face.
- my good buddy thomas.
i thought that was badass.
a big hooray for quality dave time. i feel better now.
"how's that for sweet?"