May 15, 2003 16:02

haha! What's going on everybody?! I know y'all liked my little bikini pics I put it Tera's journal for her calendar idea -winks-

Last night!! Sooo much fun was had!! Eventhough I lost like 300 dollars at that damn casino cause I didn't know what I was doing half the time haha it was great! Believe it or not, hardly anyone recognized us so when someone like approached me and tried to use a pick-up line or if I could understand what they were saying I said my name was Katinka Violetta don't ask me how I came up with it! It was great though and I'd give them some random fake number like 878-6969 or something haha, oh man haha I'm cracking up just thinking about it cause some guy like ran after me when we were leaving and he was just yelling out Katinka and I didn't even remember and he came up and I was like "what the hell I don't know who you're looking for but I ain't her hon!" I was all like getting rowdy cause he like grabbed my arm and was all in my face like we had something going and I was just like ummm...no don't think so!

I forget what Rachy said her name was but she did it too, it was awesome!

The dance club was great too, I felt like I was in a neverending version of "Night At The Roxbury" though cause I'd be walking through and all of a sudden I'd be bumped back and forth between two guys like "WHAT THE HELL!" haha I even fell once cause they knocked me too hard but eventually I did get my dance on! -nods-

Can't wait till tonight, I don't have anything planned out as of yet but something will come up!

Much Love

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