May 08, 2004 02:21
Hey errybody! Whats up? N2M here talkin to Bo.. Sorta bored, not really I don't know anywaiz.. We only have lyke 10 more day's of school and I got a letter sayin i'm failin.. I was lyke ah ha. Right..Anywho.. I broke up w/ Joey! Yes JAde I know your happy! lol.. I have to fix that on my AOL profile but i'll get Bo to do it in a second.. So blah.. Kelle was mad @ me yesterday for no apparent reason, I hate it when people do that.. So yah.. I don't know what to say nothing has happened.. Aha I talked to Kenie.. Woo has he changed, I might go watch his game tomorrow, I just have to call him and ask him where and when it is Nikki doesn't want to go but she said she would, I havn't ever actually lykes watched him play with a team, only with lyke lil friend's and stuff so I wanna see this one.. It's lyke 2:26.. I should be sleeping..I got told I sleep to much, and Mr. Jackson yelled at me cause i'm late everyday of the week and when i'm not late I'm absent lol.. That's lyke Rockelle's best friend .. ahaha.. So blah.. i've changed the subject 500 million times but that's okay cause now I am leaving.. Good bye
*your 1 and only*