E3 - The Mecca of Gamer Dorks of the Video Variety

Jun 02, 2009 11:43

I watched E3 from the time I got home last night. I would have watched it from the start of coverage, but this pesky job of mine always gets in my way of weekday fun. I'd record every second of it on my DVR, but I don't have enough space since I have backlogged episodes of the failed but amazing ABC Family show "The Middleman" hogging up space.

So far I'm pumped up for Left for Dead 2, Assassin's Creed 2 and, I'm not afraid to admit I'm also excited about the new Rabbids game, Rabbids go home. I wasn't too excited about listening to James Cameron babble on at extreme lengths about his movie "Avatar" and then briefly mention the game during the Ubisoft conference, but at least now I never have to see it. If you missed it, he pretty much explained the movie's entire plot, thereby killing any curiosity the original mystery surrounding the film may have piqued in me.

Anyway, after yesterday's coverage I watched the documentary "King of Kong: A Fistfull of Quarters" for the second time. Doing so reaffirmed my opinion that Billy Mitchell is one shady douche bag. I was gravely upset by the fact that I had to work while Steve Wiebe was going to go after the high score again today during E3, but I found that G4's website has a Weibe cam, and in non typical form, my firewall at work doesn't block their streaming videos! I plan on watching it while I do my weekly paperwork. *gag*

Does it make me a loser that I am SO nervous? He just passed 300,000 points and every barrel makes me cringe. I'm rooting for him so hard. Go Wiebe!

I'm excited to see the Nintendo conference and to a lesser extent, the Sony conference. As long as Sony continues not to remake Final Fantasy VII for the PS3, I'll keep on not owning one.

Edited with a smidge of sheepishness: While they may not be remaking FFVII (re-releasing it does not count) I may reconsider my original stance on PS3 ownership based on seeing the peek at The Last Guardian which is done by the same team that made Ico and Shadow of the Colossus.

old school, game, dork, video game

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