Mar 25, 2009 17:28
I suffer from blessedly few allergies. The ones I do have are shellfish (which will kill me in large quantities), mild seasonal allergies, mild dust allergies and I get hives from looking at poison ivy the wrong way.
All things considered, I think I'm pretty lucky to have so few allergies. So when my vision decided to get worse today I went to the doctor in town (not my usual doctor) to ask him why a) my pink eye seems to be unimproved and possibly worse and b) why I can't goddamn see.
He informs me that I'm allergic to the eye drops I've been dutifully dumping into my eye for the past three days. Fan-fucking tastic! Now I have a script for fancy new non acid containing eye drops (turns out I have pink eye caused by irritation, not bacteria like the original eye drops are meant to treat.) and a second script to help clear up the problems caused by the first.
Hurray for my very first prescription allergy. Too bad it had to happen in my fucking eye.