Signing up for this site and actually using it is probably one of the best things I've done in a while. I'm limited to 7 trades at a time, since I'm a new member with no feed back, but that's entirely ok. So far I've traded some gamecube games, some cds I never listened to and a movie for books and a replacement copy of Mer De Noms by A Perfect Circle, since mine was lost. My want list is filled with books and graphic novels, such a Maus: A Survivors Tale and Lamb by Christopher Moore. Since one of my 101 goals is to read 101 books I haven't already read, I figured I should swap for as many as I can and pick up the rest from library sales and
Books I'm waiting to get in the mail currently:
Lost; Gregory Macguire, Water for Elephants;Sara Gruen, Brave New World;Aldous Huxley (yes, I've read it, but I want a copy so badly.), The Stolen Child;Keith Donohue and Love in the Time of Cholera;Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
I'm accepting any and all recommendations for good reads, novel wise. Leave me some ideas!
Going home when it's sunny
Getting out of work late blows. It blows hard. However, it's less terrible when the sun is still out when I'm leaving. I've always hated coming into work when the sun is rising and leaving after it's already set because it makes me feel like I've wasted an entire day here. Also, suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder and not getting any sun light makes me moody as fuck. My mood has been much improved this past week, despite the continuing icy grasp of winter and putting in too much overtime.
A Softer World
A fantastic photo based webcomic. Check it out
here <3
Getting things Organised
This is a huge one. After a period of time clutter begins to stress me the fuck out. Big time. So going home every night and being too worn out from long work days to clean and having to look at piles of stuff like clothes; both clean and in need of cleaning, books, junk mail, recycling, dishes and Joe's Warhammer stuff has been wreaking havoc on my moods. Saturday I ripped through the closests, kitchen cabinets, bookshelves, game collections and media racks to start to kill off some of the clutter. I made a huge dent, but it's not really enough. Last night I did laundry and Joe put his stuff away, did the dishes and took out the recylcing so my head didn't explode. It was close, let me tell you.
I plan to keep working on it this weekend, but organising my craft supplies, our front closet and buying another bookshelf to keep the book overflow and our ever growing collection of lego models on. That'll be our 4th bookshelf. O_o;
Honourable Mentions
Feast trilogy, sleeping in, grocery shopping once a month, sleeping, reaffirming my dislike of hard alcohol, visits with the little brother, accomplishing goals, coffee, party planning, stockpiling papers and postcards to write to Rachel and Jen (man, I miss you!) with.