Nov 19, 2005 01:32
Ok I did it I told him that I love him. But what did he do or say? Nothin!!! He's not really the type to talk about feelings and the word Love I beilieve scares him its a strong word. But he could of at least said something. But the next day on my way to school I stopped by his work to say hi and I was being a bitch. Basicly pissed off at the fact he kinda pushed it outta me and the fact he didnt say anything. He asked me what the attitude was for and i said nothin and hes like is this a sheild for your embarrassment about what you said? I was like well ya and he told me to not be embarressed to be happy that i told him how i feel because what if something happened to him tomarrow and i never got the chance to tell him. Witch is a good point. If you love someone you should tell them no matter the concequences. But what worries me is well I know he doesnt love me, hes the type of guy that doesnt want to marry just one girl. He's not marriage material. He also told me that every relationship just seems to be a game to him, because the girls tell him that they love him and just kick him to the curb. He has been hurt in the past and so have I. I told myself that I didnt want to fall in love with anyone, just cuz it hurts too much. But you cant help who you love. I really want to be with him. Some of the stuff he does and says to me, no other guy would. He tells me i'm beautiful when I feel my worst. He went to a gay club with me and a couple of my gay friends (guys) and he hates clubs he desnt like to dance, but he went and he danced with me, he hardly complaied, he at least acted like he was having a good time even if he wasnt. He even got hit on a couple times, and still didnt complain. Why would he do that? Why would he call me and spend his nights or days with me? If he has the money why would he put gas in my car or buy my cigs or drive out to where i live pick me up and get me something to eat? Why would he tell me to drive carefully when im on my way home? Why would he sometimes deal with my music when he hates some of it? Why would he fold the towels in my parents house? If I'm not being myself why will he ask if im ok what wrong? He knows hes not perfect, but in my eyes hes what i have been looking for. I just wish I could get him to understand that. I donno if this whole relationship stuff and marriage has anything to do with his father leaving his family or his passed relationships. His longest relationship was 13 months and she broke it off and broke his heart. I want to show him that I would never hurt him, that I will be with him. But It's hard to when I know hes going to break my heart. I dont want to loose him. But he did tell me he is the kind of guy that he doesnt realize what he had until he lost it. So what do i do?? It scares me that i love him.