Jul 07, 2012 21:55
Oh dear. Let me just say that if you like the movie, I'm supportive of your fannishness. Not gonna troll fandom forums or rain on anyone's squee parade.
HOWEVER, here in my own little nest, I have to say that I left after nearly doing a spit-take on the poor kid in front of me ~80% of the way through the movie. I did laugh a lot. Unfortunately, most of the time it was because of huge gaping plot holes or an offense against science that was truly laughable.
Please consider, I love Trek, Dr. Who, and have thoroughly enjoyed The Avengers and Final Fantasy: Advent Children. Suspending disbelief is NOT a problem. Being required to check 2/3 of my IQ at the door though? Not so much.
True confession: I am a biologist, and have worked in the field and in the lab. If a film's chemistry and physics offenses crack ME up, they're pretty bad. What was really sad is that most of it was avoidable. It really wouldn't have taken much to have handled things either realistically or consistently. Final Fantasy flouts scientific laws, but it's pretty consistent, so you can buy in.
Setting science aside, the plot holes are too ginormous to ignore as well. Rather like delicate lace: more hole than substance. Again, if *I* can see cheap, easy fixes, then it's just tragic this got released as-is.
Still, I laughed into snorts, and finally left b/c the theater was pretty full and I was unable to continue containing myself.
The movie definitely has a future though: on DVD it will be the BEST drinking game EVER for every freshman science student for decades to come. Non-science majors can participate by drinking every time they need to bellow "put your damn mask back on!" at the screen.
Meanwhile, as it appears there will be a sequel, I volunteer to beta it FREE. Not that I'm that awesome...it was THAT laughable.