(no subject)

Apr 24, 2005 19:40

live journal?..whats it good for?.telling everyone how much of a shit ass mood your in.

theres so much more to it than what you see.

people say if u hold in your feelings you eventually break?..

well im past the breaking point..

i thought id be happier here..yet right now i feel like im at my old fuckin house..a prisoner..

only being nagged on for what i do wrong

fuckin its great to know there are peopel out there with enough FUCKIN DEDICATION to point out every fuckin thing that i do wrong..

nevermind having to repeate it everyfuckin day as many god damn fuckin times possible!

im sick of everything

i always try to make sure everyones happy..always!!
everyone always finds something wrong ith me..

honestly i do agree.ther is something wrong with me..

i have no job
im failing school
i mean..its pretty fuckin sad when your family basically tosses you the fuck around
its fuckin sad when you cant even stay soeplace without people wanting you to get the fuck out..

my own fuckin family dont want me..

parents constantly telling u they dont want to be your parents..then kick u out..throw your shit otuside and never fuckin talk to you again!
wow i must be a real fuckin winner if the person who brought me into this fuckin world wants nothing to do with me! even in my presence they ignore..

now the people im living with are dealing with the consequences of me living with them..im fuckin up a relationship..and not even my own..

i dont know how much long i can take with fuckin up peoples lives,not bbeing good enough,always having to compete with fuckin exs,never fuckin ever feeling good enough for anyone or to do anything!!

i wish there was somethign about me that peopel could look at and be like..aw what a nice kid..

rather than hey theres that lame bitch who stopped talking to everyone in her fuckin school,became and outcast,smokes pot,has no job,failing all her classes,no car , no permit, NO FUCKIN FAMILy, fat ass nasty cunt-faced bitch!
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