Jul 05, 2005 10:22
why did society have de degradate sutch a beautiful word as emo- emotional - emotions why make it a steriotype when the only thing it meant was feelings i have feeling you have feellings everyone has fuckign feelings... and im not talking about "ooh kill me the world hates me" kind of feelings -- NO-- im tired of ppl tellignme how "EMO" i am when the only thing i do is xpress my feelings "EMOTIONS" w/e i rly dont care and i dont give a fuck wut you say i am emo ... inlist i have a heart and im nto tryign to hide my emotions ..trying to be all tuff and crap .... they say the music i listen to is "EMO" casue it xpresses wut they feel comon feeling like love and hapinnes and surewhy not hate sadness and envy-------- and just so ppl know "EMO" is nto a type of music ... it is a word and now it became a stupid label .. to mark ppl that are npot a fraid to show wu they think or feel ....... so this is for oyu all you cold hearted BITCHES