Title: Lies of Omission
Author: Gillian Taylor (
Characters: Rose Tyler, Tenth Doctor
Rated: All Ages
wendymr who asked for Doctor and Rose in the TARDIS post-POTW (could be Nine about to regenerate or just-regenerated Ten); Rose asks "Where's Jack?"
Lies of Omission
“Where’s Jack?”
In two words, his carefully crafted world starts to fall apart. Regeneration muddles his head, but he remembers what he felt when Jack came back to life. The skin-crawling wrongness of someone who could never, ever die.
So he ran like the coward he is. He shouldn’t’ve done it, but he did it and that’s that. No second chances. Not even to fix his own mistakes. He’s that sort of man.
“Busy rebuilding the Earth,” he replies.
She searches his eyes like she can see behind the lie. “He’s dead, isn’t he?”
He looks away, lying by omission.
Title: On Death and Resurrection
Author: Gillian Taylor (
Characters: Rose Tyler, Tenth Doctor
Rated: All Ages
juliet316 who asked for Ten/Rose, resurrection
On Death and Resurrection
“Doctor?” Her voice cracks as she presses one hand beneath his nose, the other against his throat. No breath touches her hand, no pulses beat against her fingers.
Can he die, though? Really die? He should regenerate, right? But what if - Oh, god, what if this is it? What if he really is dead? She closes her eyes, tears pouring down her face.
“Rose?” She’s even imagining his voice.
Now she’s imagining his touch. She opens her eyes and her knees buckle. “You’re dead.”
“No, no! I’m alive! Healing trance, that’s all.”
“That’s nice. ‘Cause I’m gonna kill you.”