September Auction: I signed up again!

Aug 16, 2009 20:22

Yeah, I signed up again for the September Support Stacie Auction. I will write one 5000 word story for Doctor Who for whoever wins me, with the following caveats:

I prefer to write action/adventure, timey-whimey, science fiction and hurt/comfort stories. I can write in any era of Doctor Who (prior to the Eleventh Doctor), but prefer Ninth or Tenth Doctors only. I cannot write Martha, so I prefer not to be asked to do so. If pairings are desired, I will write Nine/Rose, 10.5/Rose, Nine/Rose/Jack, Ten/Rose/Jack, 10.5/Rose/Jack, or subtle Ten/Donna only. Will not write pregnancy or death fic or any non-con scenario. Prefer to write up to Teen, but I'll consider writing one Adult scene.

However, it's very likely that I'll write more than 5,000 words knowing me. :)

I will also write a fic for the second place bidder, provided they also donate their money to the cause.

support stacie

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