Fic: Medicinal Purposes (1/1) - CRACKFIC

Aug 04, 2008 19:03

Title: Medicinal Purposes
Author: Gillian Taylor
Character/Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Donna Noble
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Journey's End
Summary: "There's another option. Besides taking away your memories."
Disclaimer: Don't own them. I just like playing with them...a lot.

A/N: Thanks, as always, to the brilliant wendymr for BRing. Crackfic warning! Crack, crack, crack-ity-crack. Because, honestly, there should be one more option available to these two prior to that ending *g* (And I can't believe I just wrote Doctor/Donna... ;))

"Medicinal Purposes"
by Gillian Taylor

“Okay, I lied. Well, more like I didn’t tell you everything. Well -“

“Just spit it out! Human Time Lord metacrisis here, thanks! About to have my head explode?” she snaps. Really, she can’t be bothered to wait for him to finish prattling. She’ll die first. Literally.

“There’s another option. Besides taking away your memories.”

Git. Of course he’d choose that. Mind, it is one step up from death, but still! “Go on, then,” she says when he doesn’t continue. And are his ears turning red? Is that a blush? He’s actually blushing!

“Wecouldshag.” The words spill out of his mouth so quickly that she can barely understand him. But she definitely caught that last word.

Oh. Oh, no. “Shag?” Her voice did not just hit a high note. Definitely not.

“Erm, yes?” He rubs the back of his neck. “Means you don’t have to lose your memories.” He’s right though. All this Time Lord consciousness running through her brain tells her so. Something with huon energy and sexual intercourse and there really is nothing for her to hold on to, though.

“And I can keep tra-tra-travelling with you.” This repeating words thing was getting old. And painful. Ow.


“I don’t fancy you,” she warns him.

“I know.”

“But you’ll let me stay? Even though this is a one off thing?” How can this work? There’s really nothing to him. Does he really have all the right, well, equipment? Okay, she knows he does. She’s human. With a Time Lord consciousness. He’s a Time Lord. Does tab A still fit into slot B with his species? Oh listen to her, wittering on. Best get it over with.


“For medicinal purposes,” she says firmly, giving him a look.

“Of course.”

Donna Noble then does the one thing she swore she’d never, ever do. She grabs his tie, pulls him in and snogs him.

“Was that for medicinal purposes?” he asks, a rather cheeky look on his face.

“No, you daft alien, that was a thank you. Don’t expect it to happen again.”

“Of cour-mwuphf.” His voice is cut off by another snog.

She might as well make the most of it. Snogging him is a very useful way of shutting him up.

Not that it’s ever, ever going to happen again.

After tonight, she adds thoughtfully.


x-posted to: dark_aegis, i_love_donna & marriedonmars

post-episode, fic, crack, tenth doctor, donna noble

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